Coincidences or no, does anyone else notice this about Wisp's orbs?


Chasing Luna MothWings
Mar 3, 2018
Cosmic Radioactive Orbiting Spectral #20
Festival Lantern
Plum Blossom
Fortune Cookie
Night Sky Scenery
Snowstorm Scenery
Playful Scenery
Holiday Candy Cane 2023
Friday the 13th Candy
Eerie Star Potion
Swamp Potion
So I've noticed two things about Wisp's orbs. I'm not sure if this is legit, coincidence or cause they way my island is set up, and if island set up has anythin to do with it.

1, when he gets scared and his body idk, comes apart and the orbs fly away, the direction they fly away in is almost always the general direction I'll find them in. Like if one flew North-East, I'll find an orb North-East from Wisp on that part of my island. I've noticed this quite a few times, like 8 out of 10 times for me, the orbs are usually in the direction they flew away. Or maybe it's just the way my island is laid out.

2, the orbs typically don't appear around animals. I'm not sure how often this happens for me, but I noticed the orbs go in places that the animals aren't roaming currently. I have this one very long path that my animal typically don't walk on for whatever reason, and I found an orb there. I also find them in grassy empty areas with no animals around.

Anyone else ever notice this, or have I seen many-a series of pure straight up coincidence?
I haven't seen him in awhile but I also completed the Nook Miles Achievement so I don't hunt him out. Generally, I feel like the direction of the orbs dispersing makes sense as I use that as a guideline to find where they've gone. However I've also searched long and hard for the last orb, lol.

As for the other observation, I've found them in places where my villagers have been or at least NPCS have spawned. I do have a lot of unreachable areas that need ladders or the hopping mechanic, so I can't say much there.
yeah, their direction indicates around where they'd be, provided you don't take too long to find and have them wander off elsewhere

also, I think they might only be able to be in first level areas? don't quote me on that though. while wisp only spawns in elevated areas (though he can go all the way down to the first level via inclines)
If you use the Halloween emotions, you can scare the orbs out of him without talking to him. I honestly never paid attention to where the orbs went because I'm usually doing other stuff at the same time and end up finding all of them after some time. I could had sworn he gave me something I already had when I asked for new.
Perhaps I'm the exception to the rule, because 9 times out of 10 Wisp spawns at the very most northern point of my island. Some of his orbs always look like they fly north, but of course they never actually do, because they can't 🤷‍♀️ I'll have to take note next time though, and see if the others follow their flight directions!
This doesn’t seem true in my experience. I’ll have to pay closer attention next time I see him. His orbs all go off in different directions, but I usually find 2 or 3 at the same time in the same area. I could be messing it up though because I sometimes get frustrated trying to find them and I go in and out of a building to reset their location.
If you use the Halloween emotions, you can scare the orbs out of him without talking to him. I honestly never paid attention to where the orbs went because I'm usually doing other stuff at the same time and end up finding all of them after some time. I could had sworn he gave me something I already had when I asked for new.

Omg I forgot about that and I'm so gonna scare him next time lol

Also yeah he'll give you somethin you already had if you ask for new sometimes. I think he'll give you a colour variant you don't have yet. Wisp is not the smartest, not just in this game but NL as well.
Kinda related, can you time travel back and forth once you find wisp or is it more of a random thing?
Yes, I also noticed that the direction the orbs fly away initially is usually where you can find them on your island.

BUT I also found that a few times when I would talk to him and scare him, if I didn't go after the orbs immediately (and instead continued decorating a specific area of my island) the orbs would eventually gravitate towards ME. Maybe there is a time limit on this, like if you don't find them after so many minutes they eventually make their way back to you. Idk if thats true, but thats what appeared to happen to me the last few times I encountered Wisp and was too tunnel visioned on my decoration to stop and look for orbs.
I could be wrong but I think the 2 are unrelated.
I've never found them to line up
Wisp usually appears towards the back of my island near my rock garden and when the orbs fly away, it seems they just go in every direction... but rarely do I find one to the east of him, even though I'm pretty sure an orb flies that way. I'm not sure, though.

What I have noticed, is that if I'm having a hard time finding one, going into a building and coming out resets where the orbs are and sometimes makes it easier to find.
Last night, I found Wisp and decided to follow one of them, since he was already quite close to the corner of my island.

The spirit pieces that fled east all ended up west of the island instead.