Trading Cole, Molly, Ozzie, Blanche & Merengue


Senior Member
Sep 21, 2013
New Horizons Token
Red Lily
White Lily
Yellow Candy
Red Pansy
White Pansy
Yellow Pansy
Yellow Cosmos
Red Cosmos
Pear (Fruit)
98% (335) +
I'm looking to trade for any of these, List from how much I want them.

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I have someone who has offered on my Marina right now, but they may not pull through. They'll give me a definitive answer in about 14 hours though, so I'll know by then whether they want her or not.
Would you consider trading her for Merengue if my first buyer doesn't pull through?
I have someone who has offered on my Marina right now, but they may not pull through. They'll give me a definitive answer in about 14 hours though, so I'll know by then whether they want her or not.
Would you consider trading her for Merengue if my first buyer doesn't pull through?

My other offer came through so I can't offer Marina anymore, I'm really sorry.
Would you consider bell or hybrid offers for Cole? I have a lot of pink, purple, and black roses.
Is there anything else you would want for Blanche? I don't have any of those villagers (except Marshy, but he's staying :D)
I really want Molly. I could try to get you one of your dreams, but it'll be hard.
Hi! I'll trade you my Celia for your merengue?

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My other offer came through so I can't offer Marina anymore, I'm really sorry.

No worries!

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Would you consider bell or hybrid offers for Cole? I have a lot of pink, purple, and black roses.

No sorry its easy to get balls and flowers.

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Is there anything else you would want for Blanche? I don't have any of those villagers (except Marshy, but he's staying :D)

I only want villagers.

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I really want Molly. I could try to get you one of your dreams, but it'll be hard.

Ok thanks.
I posted on ACC, but I can offer Tia for Blanche. Please PM me in case I lose track of this thread. :)