Come get your NA Labor Day picnic basket!

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Senior Member
Aug 23, 2013
Throwback Tickets
Red Candy
Yellow Candy
Popsicle (TBT Beach Party)
Ice Cream Swirl (TBT Beach Party)
September Birthstone (Sapphire)
100% (120) +
I posted this in Re-Tail initially but I think it should go here so I've deleted the other and reposted here.

My second town will have Labor Day today. I figured I would open this up incase anyone who's not in the region didn't get a chance to grab the holiday item (and see Isabelle in her adorable coveralls!).

Let me know if you'd like to come! I'd like to wait until a few people are signed up but I will start adding friend codes and let anyone who wants to come in, in groups. :blush:

I forgot that a villager was voided about a week ago (in game). Just a heads up for anyone who doesn't have 10 villagers.

I've got to pick up some stuff around my train station but then I'll be ready for you guys. (Sorry, I forgot I was organizing my fossils :) )

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Looks like a few of you have already added me, Evies and Ruth if you're online, I've opened the gates to PB&Jton. Come on over!
Thanks for everyone who's stopped by already! I'm closing my gates to get some things done in my town. Feel free to post if you haven't visited yet (or want to visit with another character), as I'll be checking back and can reopen for you! :D
PrincessBella, can you make sure you've added me.

I'll go ahead and open for you and Hazel once you do :)

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Open again!
Gotcha! Gates to PB&Jton are open for you now. :D

Do you have a thread for Beau by the way? I saw him in a town I was pulling weeds in and now I need him! He's really cute :blush:
Arghhh I just sold him a few days ago,I really needa update my signature :< Sorry about that I hope you get him in the campsite some day though c:
Haha, no worries! I'm bound to come across him eventually.

Closing gates again. Same thing though, if anyone else wants to visit or visit with a second character to get another basket, just let me know here and I'll reopen when there are a few people ready :D

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hi! can i come over please? :)

Whoops ninja'd! Are you available now? I can add you and get you in. :blush:
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