Coming Back to ACNL


Jul 10, 2014
Yellow Balloon
White Star Fragment
Yellow Star Fragment
White Star Fragment
Red Balloon
Dreamy Party Popper
Disco Ball Easter Egg
Golden Easter Egg
Galaxy Easter Egg
New Year's Party Popper
ok.... so tonight was really ****ty (pardon language) on a few levels....

so my family is in town for christmas stuff, and we were watching football when we started talking about video games and culture stuff... long story short, details aside, i was ridiculed for playing video games in my childhood, and made to feel like I have no common sense by my aunt. But it strengthened my love for video games since they can be so immersive and help escape the bs of real life for a little bit! I've had a strong tie to ACNL and these forums and its high time I come back! I also watched PeanutbutterGamer's video about toy day and made me miss my towns!

hope to meet many of you and see you around Riften and Apex Bay soon!

I also had gifts from Javocado and Maruchan (although I don't know the context behind these gifts for latest contests and collectibles, but still appreciate it!), plus a cute message from esweeney which made me see the sweetness in people due to gaming in contrast to the rudeness of my own family!
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ah, welcome back <3 I hope you have a wonderful time here. Never let the people who say video games are dumb win!
Hi! Welcome back :) I've done the same thing recently! I had a bit of a ***ty weekend last weekend, so I fetched my 3DS and I haven't missed a day since. Not only does playing ACNL help me sleep, but it helps take my mind off the not-so-good stuff in this world.
Welcome back. Someone recently gifted me with a new DS & ACNL because they know I'm going through some bad bad stuff and had to sell my old copy and system. I relate so so much. Be you. You're welcome here. Welcome back :)
Welcome back to TBT! I know how that feels, about the family stuff I mean. I actually started playing ACNL again this summer, and have been pretty consistent with when I play.
It's about dang time TOAD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Esweeeeeeny has been mia for the most part too.

Edit: Hey, I think aleshapie has Rasher if you're interested. I bet she'd part with him as a welcome back present...
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It's about dang time TOAD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Esweeeeeeny has been mia for the most part too.

Edit: Hey, I think aleshapie has Rasher if you're interested. I bet she'd part with him as a welcome back present...

OMG stop.... he's not in my new planned town, by any means whatsoever!!
OMG stop.... he's not in my new planned town, by any means whatsoever!!

Okay, but don't come crying to me if your new town ends up lacking...

And of course feel free to pm me a list of villagers to keep an eye out for.
Trying to think who I have...I have a sparkly unicorn and sweet lil Molly at the moment. I can't think of the others.