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One thing I seem to notice is how certain craftable items are given by villagers of a particular personality type. To test this theory, I tried to search "[DIY Recipe] crafting" to check. And from initial checks, it does seem like it would be the case that DIY Recipes are locked to personalities. From @Lady Sugarsaurus Idea, we would like to work on this as a project with goals to identify for sure if DIYs are indeed locked to personality types or not and if they are, to be able to come up with a comprehensive list of which personality will craft particular DIYs.
If you would like to contribute, please answer the following form if you see your villager crafting something or if someone opens up their island to claim a DIY recipe from a particular villager.
This would be the raw data spreadsheet which would be analyzed:
Thank you for your interest and feel free to post if you have any suggestions.
If you would like to contribute, please answer the following form if you see your villager crafting something or if someone opens up their island to claim a DIY recipe from a particular villager.
This would be the raw data spreadsheet which would be analyzed:
DIY Crafting (Responses)
Thank you for your interest and feel free to post if you have any suggestions.