North America Completed set but would still trade for JPN/EU cards


Mayor of SeaBloom
Feb 4, 2020
Chocolate Coins
Yellow Cosmos
White Cosmos
Red Cosmos
Silver Mailbox
100% (50) +
Thanks again to everyone who traded with me!

If you are looking for cards still, I would probably trade for any EU or JPN cards for fun. All my cards are US based. PM me.

Even if this thread gets really old, I will likely still be active.

For trade:

Series 1:
04 Mable
16 Lyle
28 Jambette
31 Sheldon
35 Deli
41 Quillson
42 Marcie
44 Shari
52 Poppy
53 Limberg
59 Nate
66 Gruff x2
70 Biff
74 Cobb x2
75 Amelia
85 Pancetti
90 Axel
95 Peanut
96 Cole

Series 2:
105 Copper
109 Porter
112 Don
114 Blanca
120 Ozzie
125 Gwen
129 Tipper
131 Pate
138 Sly
146 Rodney
150 Coco
152 Wendy
170 Ruby
171 Benedict x2
179 Hopper
183 Camofrog
193 Keaton
194 Gladys
200 Rocket

Series 3:
202 Blathers
203 Tom Nook
205 Phyllis x2
206 Pete
208 Leif
216: Franklin x2
219: Anchovy x2
220 Tabby
222 Miranda
226 Mitzi
227 Rodeo
228 Bubbles
230: Velma x2
231: Elvis
233 Colton
235 Spork
236 Freckles
237: Bam x2
240 Deirdre
242 Chevre
245 Mac
246 Eloise
248 Hazel
249 Beardo x2
250 Ava x2
251 Chester
256: Diva x3
259: Stinky
260 Tammi x3
265 Gala x2
266 Joey
268 Buck
269 Bree
272 Skye
273: Moe
277 Monty
278 Dora
283 Frank
284 Chadder
287 Claudia
288: Curly x2
289: Boomer
291 Sparro
292 Baabra
295 Antonio
296 Soleil
300 Chrissy

Series 4:
304 Phineas
325 Peaches
376 Rizzo
379 Nibbles
383 Hippeux

(trading 5:1 or for CP cards)
40 Tad

Looking for:

Extra Things that would be cool to have and I would trade a lot for:

Promos: (would trade a bunch for)
CP Isabelle JPN

Japanese/European cards!

Fauna Marina Marshal Zucker Octavian
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Would you be interested in doing 003 DJ KK, 086 Chief, 333 Lolly and 359 Apple for my 025 Al, 303 Katrina, 350 Elmer and 399 Twiggy? I can also send you 309 Leilani, but 309 is actually Resetti and 308 is Leilani, so I can send you whichever one you need. Thanks!
I am definately willing to do at least part of that trade. I PMed you the specifics

I have 334, 339, 353, 358, 364, 378, 382

For your

06 Hornsby, 09 Huck, 11 Boris

I have 334, 339, 353, 358, 364, 378, 382

For your

06 Hornsby, 09 Huck, 11 Boris

I actually just completed a trade so I do not need 339 378 or 382 anymore.
I still want
334 Erik, 353 Elise, 358 Papi, 364 Zucker.
I still have what your looking for though. I could give you 2 if them or you could give me a few more of equal value to get all 3.
Truthfully those WA sell for a lot but Zucker and Erik are two of my favorites (and sell for more too) so I am willing to turn it into 2:1. Most of the others i want would be more like a 5:1.
PM me and we can discuss :)
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I actually just tried sending you a message and your messages are full.
Hi, from your want list, we have: 077 Cherry; 327 Penelope; 332 Shep; 334 Erik; 353 Elise; 357 Aurora; 372 Doc; 388 Maelle.

From your trade list, we are looking for: 13 Carrie; 17 Ursala; 22 Bitty; 30 Louie; 36 Candy; 40 Tad; 44 Snooty.

Please let us know what you think would be a fair trade. Thanks for considering!

Hoodathotit and Nenya
Just completed 3 trades and feeling good. I am getting a box on Monday of series 3, so expect more then.
Just updated the LF/FT on series 3!
I have 261 Tucker that I'd love to trade for 001 Isabelle but I know she's a special character so, if not, 145 Carmen also works!
Alright gonna bump again!
I am really getting down to the last few, so I will probably throw in a few extras if you need non WA cards.
Arg! Someone could not complete a trade with me and I am down 1 card. >_< Just need Brewster!
PM or respond and hopefully I can finish the set!
About to trade with someone to get that Brewster. I'm leaving this up for now, but looks like I will finally complete all the sets!
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Bumping this thread if there is anyone out there willing to trade for their JPN or EU cards
Hey there! These are my EU cards:
- 110 Leila
- 113 Isabelle (Winter Coat)
- 142 Peck
- 200 Rocket
- 225 Ken
- 249 Beardo
- 270 Rooney
- 273 Moe
- 302 Brewster
- 307 Gracie
- 325 Peaches

If I understand correctly you'd be up for trading for them? Would it be 1 to 1? No special ratios/rules?
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Hey there! These are my EU cards:
- 110 Leila
- 113 Isabelle (Winter Coat)
- 142 Peck
- 200 Rocket
- 225 Ken
- 249 Beardo
- 270 Rooney
- 273 Moe
- 302 Brewster
- 307 Gracie
- 325 Peaches

If I understand correctly you'd be up for trading for them? Would it be 1 to 1? No special ratios/rules?

PM me an offer! I usually go 5:1 for WA and the others depend a little on how rare they are. I am in a giving mood because I finished my collection, so let me know what you are looking for! I don't have any of the EU cards you have, so I would take any/all of them for trades.
PM me an offer! I usually go 5:1 for WA and the others depend a little on how rare they are. I am in a giving mood because I finished my collection, so let me know what you are looking for! I don't have any of the EU cards you have, so I would take any/all of them for trades.

Okay that sounds great! I'll do that later as it's 1am here atm aka bedtime. Thanks!