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Consequences of time traveling


Feb 20, 2019
Sautéed Mushrooms
Hey, I couldn't find any thread on this specific question so I'll just ask.

I'm just wondering what are the dangers of TTing? I don't have anyone in my town that I really care about, so villagers moving out wouldn't be an issue. But if I went 2-3 wks into the future and then set my time back to present day, is there anything I need to be wary of?

Would events be affected?

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I know if you fast forward and do a Gracie fashion check or a Katrina reading in the future, you won’t be able to do it on that day again. But I don’t think other events are changed too much. If you don’t have beautiful town ordinance you can get weeds or roaches in your house. And if you go to long you will have bed head, which if you don’t have shampoodles can be a pain to get changed. Like you said villagers can move out but not a big deal if you don’t care much. 2-3 weeks isn’t too much though and doesn’t change much. If you build a pwp in the future, say the cafe, and then build something in the past like the police station, it might show up out of order when you sit in front of the tree in your plaza. So will show that you time travel and you can’t change that. Villagers might also call you a time traveler. That’s about it, as far as I know
I don't time travel much so I'm not an expert, but in addition to everything Keystone said, I know that if you don't have the Beautiful Town Ordinance in effect your flowers will die.
I don't think anyone mentioned that the grass grows back. Annoying if you have dirt paths, but useful if you want most of the dirt gone. Some dirt spots are permanent, so annoying.

Okay so you said "...2-3 wks into the future and then set my time back to the present day...", I'm not entirely sure what you mean by present day. Like, do you play real time or do you mean last time you played?

If the latter, if you TT back to your last play, it's like nothing changed. So up can essentially go a year w/o playing, then if you go BACK to that day you last played, it's like you were never gone.
Villagers will call my side characters a time traveler since they only wake up on days I set the clock back. Idk if they call my main a TT, they usually call her a bell-pincher or flower fan.
I'm not sure but, one consequence of TTing is that one of your villagers might move away without you knowing.
Just so you know, if you time travel let's say two to three weeks forward, that'll have the effect of two to three weeks gameplay. In that time a villager can move out, flowers can die, etc. But when you want to return to present day after those two to three weeks, that counts as going just one day forward. Going backwards in time has less effect, but an effect nonetheless :)
Depending on your town ordinance, flowers can die and weeds will spring up. Lots of weeds. If you have the beautiful town ordinance, your flowers will be fine, and you'll maybe find a lot of clovers growing instead of a whole butt-ton of weeds.
The biggest consequence of time travel is on you, the player. If you travel in time to achieve one thing, what is going to stop you from doing so to fill up your museum, or get the top store, or finish the Katrina quest, or get your preferred villagers? It's a slippery slope in a game that celebrates patience, contentment, and slow growth.

Obviously if you don't have issues with impulse control, everything is fine. I had a long flight and it was a boring day in my town, so I time traveled the whole time to more exciting days and by the time the trip was over, I ended up taking a six month hiatus from the game. I'm back into it (it has such a calming influence) and am trying better to be patient about completing my insect and fishing catalogs...but it is tough!