Corrupted File


Senior Member
Dec 1, 2017
Well long story short, My New Horizons file was somehow deleted during a data transfer. I got a new Switch Lite for Christmas and since I don't like taking the big console tp work and other places I thought it would be a good idea to move my game to the new one...well somehow the transfer failed cause when I went to login this morning all my data was gone and it took me back to the very beginning of the game.

I am just about to rage quit...luckily I got a good island map in no time at all but not my Peaches and I lost all the DIYs and my items and I am soo mad.

Next time I will just let it be.

My rant is now over.
Did you use the tool for transferring your ACNH save data, or just do a normal Switch user data transfer? ACNH has its own app you have to install. Here's a guide.
Oh man that’s terrible. i couldn’t imagine losing all my work like that. I really hope you can get it back.
that’s awful, i’m sorry. i really hope that you’ll be able to get it back but if not, feel free to shoot me a message if you need help with anything. </3
Just heard back from Nintendo. They are looking into my case and I should hear something with in a few days. Fingers crossed...for now I will be using my new island on my Lite for a secondary island just in case.
Just heard back from Nintendo. They are looking into my case and I should hear something with in a few days. Fingers crossed...for now I will be using my new island on my Lite for a secondary island just in case.

That's odd. I'm surprised they weren't able to transfer your save for you right then and there. Maybe there was some confusion and they're thinking you reported a bug with the transfer app.

Your cloud save is associated with your Nintendo ID. Once you explain to Nintendo that you're trying to restore a cloud backup to a New Switch, they flip a switch that enables it and then you're able to download it by speaking to Tom Nook on restoration screen

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Gosh, I'm really sorry, that has to feel terrible. I'm keeping up hope that something can be done for you!