Crazy Weather


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Dec 22, 2016
Anyone experiencing crazy weather recently? I had my bedroom window open and all of a sudden it started storming and pouring. One second it wasn't, then the next it was. All my amiibos fell... lol
We're actually getting snow here over the next week, tonight it's already snowing a bit in some places. Which is really awesome, but totally out of the blue, usually we'll get a bit of snow on the mountain in February and maybe LATE January but usually never in December or early January. So it's pretty cool. Too bad I will likely miss most of it because I'm at work and it probably wont stick down in the valley where i live. =[
usually its always cold and rainy here in the netherlands. havent seen snow in years thanks to global warming i think. today there was rain though but it was also bright outside so i saw a rainbow but it was gone and faded when i wanted to take a picture. not cool at all
usually its always cold and rainy here in the netherlands. havent seen snow in years thanks to global warming i think. today there was rain though but it was also bright outside so i saw a rainbow but it was gone and faded when i wanted to take a picture. not cool at all

I love rainbows with all my goth little heart, and anytime a rainbow appears I take approximately 5 thousand pictures of it on my phone, and I've actually seen like double and triple rainbows and I am the embodiment of the Double Rainbow guy when it happens.
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We're having spring weather right now, and usually at this point we should be getting loads of snow. :/
We finally got snow, like 2 feet of snow in the past week. We are also going through periods of really cold weather that last a few weeks. Usually it's just cold all the time.
the weather doesn't seem abl to decide whether it wants to snow or rain recently
I like when it rains outside one window and the window adjacent to it stays clear.
Yeah it's been really cold here, at least by my standards. Where I live, I'm used to heat in the 110?F + range during the summer and pretty late in fall so for it to be in the low 50s right now is so weird and I literally can't handle it lmao.
Well, in California, it's coldish. Nothing crazy, but it's a nice change from the HOT sun.
Well I live in the south... so I can't say I expect much.
It's Janurary now yet we are still getting freezing rain. It's starting to get really annoying at this point. I'd rather put up with snow. At least it's a nice scenery.
Funny I come home to see this thread, I just got home from Taco Bell and the weather isn't warm but isn't cold so it's trying to rain but it's partially snow but it's also sleet and ice. It's crazy, and it SUCKS. In Minnesota we are supposed to have these beautiful white snow winters where kids are outside making snowmen & sledding & ice skating but the weather has been too warm so everything is watery during the day, then it freezes & turns into ice at night. Blah! Anyways, the roads are PURE ICE right now! Cars have to drive at the pace of turtles if they don't want to slide right off & into the ditch...
Crazy weather is a signature feature of living in Oklahoma. Going from sunny to stormy doesn't even phase me, to be honest.

As of late the 'crazy' part has just been how warm it has been. Summer horribly overstayed its welcome into the beginning of November and although December started off all chilly making me think we might actually have some resemblance of winter, ever since right before Christmas it has been in the 60s and 70s. Yuck.

It's supposed to get chilly again for the rest of the week, but then it's supposed to warm right back up after that. I can't take this anymore. I need my winter. >.>
lol it stormed over here last night it was p bad
I was actually quite upset for the second year in a row, we normally ALWAYS have a white christmas and this is the second year it didn't happen, I'm expecting snow and honestly praying to every god and godess known to man-kind because honestly even if the clean-up is a lot I wouldn't mind face planting into cold freezing balls of soft ice. As for the weather now, it's just plain chilly so I've been sitting around in my Rilakkuma Kigirumi.
Not crazy here. It's just been normal winter cold. Not that I LIKE being cold, but it's not unusual for this time of year.
There's supposed to be another hurricane or something tomorrow where I live, last week we had a huge hurricane that went on for two days.
It's interesting to hear other people talking about how they're used to the white snowy wintery Christmas season-but haven't been getting it. I can so relate. The last few years have been awful. As in awfully warm for the season & not Christmasy at all. I don't like it...