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Creativity Blog #18: Two Chess ideas


“Assorted” Collector
Sep 9, 2014
Sautéed Mushrooms
Palm City
It's been 10 creative idea entries since the last Creativity Blog entry I had four ideas in one entry. Today, I'm going over another entry like this, but only this time, it's on different variations of Chess. Not to mention, there are two rather than four.

Before I go over the entry, I would like to say that it's my first day on TBT where the background isn't the fall-themed background. I liked the fall background, but I like the winter one too. It's so amazing that the background changes both daily and quarterly. I should stay on this site more.

Now I'm going over what the entry is about. I believe that I mentioned on this entry about some of these chess ideas as part of the pre-installed software. How about I have four different ideas about chess. Since it's in the public domain, I can make different variations of it.

You know, chess usually has white pieces and black pieces. They also had other variations. At home, I have a glass-themed chess, where there are frosted and clear glass pieces. And in some variations, the characters are the same on both sides. In these two versions I made up, they are different.

Planetary Chess:

My first idea is the planets. White pieces and black pieces will instead be red pieces and blue pieces. Not only that, but the planets won't be disguised as chess pieces. The red and blue part of each planet is the stand they're on, and they have a label of what they are in the game.

  • The red pieces are the terrestrial planets, the ones closer to the Sun. The blue pieces are the gas giants, the ones further from the Sun.
  • Despite Pluto, the Moon, asteroids, and comets not being planets, they're part of the idea too.

Now I will go over what planet or space object is what title and why.

  • Terrestrial Side:
    • Earth - King. The king is the most important piece in Chess. Since the Earth is the planet we all live in, the Earth would be the focal point.
    • Moon - Queen. Since the Moon is the closest object in space to the Earth as it goes with the Earth, I think Moon would be the queen.
    • Mercury - Bishop. Mercury was the messenger to the gods according to the Roman mythology. Since the bishops should be messengers to the king, the smallest planet in the solar system (Mercury) takes place as the bishop.
    • Mars - Knight. Mars was the god of war according to the Roman mythology. The knights are the ones that fight. So the planet we're the most interesting into colonization will be the knights.
    • Venus - Rook. Since the duties of the other pieces were taken by the other terrestrial planets, I would give Venus the job as a rook. Besides, it would be best as the rook.
    • Asteroid - Pawn. Since asteroids are too small and numerous, closer to the Sun than to the end of the solar system, and the pawns are the most common chess piece, asteroids will be the pawns of the game. Asteroids in this Chess resemble brown rocks.
  • Gas Giant Side:
    • Jupiter - King. Jupiter is the largest planet in the Solar System. In fact, if you add the mass of the other planets (including Pluto), they are still outweighed by Jupiter. So I think Jupiter will take the role as the king on the Gas Giant site.
    • Saturn - Queen. Saturn is more well known for its rings, but it's also the second largest planet in the Solar System. I think that would make a good queen.
    • Uranus - Bishop. For some strange reason, Uranus would be the bishop, but that's because there are no other duties left.
    • Neptune - Knight. Neptune is the god of the sea according to the Roman mythology. Since Neptune is violent, as the planet has heavy winds (heavy winds are highly destructive), then the now furthest planet from the Solar System would be the knight.
    • Pluto - Rook. Pluto may be declassified as a planet (as it has almost no atmosphere), but it was once a planet. I think the rook would be the best for this dwarf planet.
    • Comet - Pawn. Just like the asteroids, comets are numerous. Same with the pawns. So each pawn on the gas giant side will be comets. The reason why I didn't pick asteroids is because the gas giants are closer to the Oort Cloud, the source of the comets. Comets in this Chess idea are gray rocks.

Animal Chess:

Just like the Planetary Chess, the Animal Chess are red pieces and blue pieces. This time, I would have the African animal side and the Asian animal side. If you know more about Zoology and ecology, you may know why I have each animal on each side.

  • African Animal Side:
    • Lion - King. Although elephants are the biggest land animals, lions represent royalty. The one with the mane would be the king.
    • Lioness - Queen. Like I said about the king, the female lion would take place as the queen.
    • African Elephant - Bishop. Yes, I know how weird that is, but elephants have been used for transportation, but only in Asia. I'm not sure why I put them there, but probably because of the duties taken by the other animals.
    • Rhino - Knight. These animals are very dangerous. If they charge into you, they can hurt you really hard. Since the lion already took king and queen, the rhinoceros would be the knight, even if the zebra looks like a horse.
    • Giraffe - Rook. Since rooks were portrayed as castles, and giraffes are tall, I would make the giraffes as rooks.
    • Zebra - Pawn. Zebras run in large herds. I think the zebra would be the pawn this time.
  • Asian Animal Side:
    • Tiger - King. The Siberian Tiger is the world's largest cat in existence. They're also very dangerous. Perhaps they can take place as the king.
    • Tigress - Queen. Tigers and tigresses go along with each other, so a slightly smaller tiger would be queen on the Asian side.
    • Asian Elephant - Bishop. The African Elephant may be the bishop on the African side, so the slightly smaller elephants would be good for the Asian side.
    • Leopard - Knight. With the tiger out of the way, the next carnivorous animal would make a good knight. Leopards are hunters too.
    • Panda - Rook. Pandas are a major symbol of Asian animals. I have no other duty for this animal, so let these wonderful "bears" be the rooks.
    • Crocodile - Pawn. Crocodiles are strong, but also large in numbers. This time, I would make them the pawns.

You don't have to agree with me on this. This is only for the Creativity Blog.
I like the ideas for chess :)
I agree that lions and tigers are on opposite sides, they seem to be complete opposites. If I had a leopard as my personal knight, I would faint in happiness (as you can see, I love cats of all kinds! :))
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