Creepiest villager in the series


You gotta know that the sky belongs to no one.
Nov 7, 2015
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Who is the creepiest villager in the AC franchise?

My vote is for Kakkun. The mask, creepy eyes, and dirge playing in his house is just creepy to me.
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she just reminds me of the gamecube AC when i would lose my face,
Plus shes like a living gyroid.
I love her! But shes creepy.
Coco, by far. I'm not sure how anyone manages to keep her in their town without getting a little freaked out every time they see her face.
Coco, by far. I'm not sure how anyone manages to keep her in their town without getting a little freaked out every time they see her face.

I used to as a young teen in 2002 in my Gamecube town. Only at night.
i would definitely agree with all of these. but if i had to rate them, id probably go kakkun being the creepiest, then coco, then pietro, mostly just because of some of the remarks he makes.
I must say that Coco is by far the most creepiest character in the series! She is my original villager in my main town and she's my favorite!
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I wish people wouldn't hate Pietro, I think he's such a cutie :c I'm also surprised he's not in tier 4-5 by how many people think he's creepy and ugly and weird...

Anyway, I know I'm probably the only one but I find Stitches creepy due to his dead-looking X eyes--same goes for Cube and Peaches. And Cobb, he looks like a zombie and has a laboratory house.
Awww, what's wrong with Pietro? I know some people don't like human clowns, but he's adorable. Jambette is ugly, but she's not scary.

I've never liked Coco. She was in an old Wild World town and her empty, black eye sockets would creep me out.
hahaha I'm with you on this one, Jambette is hideous. THOSE LIPS. She's in my town and just won't move out :(

She really bugs me.. thankfully I've only had her in my tents and then in HHD where I just put out the boxes she wanted and then left... cause I wasn't about to hang out.