I made this for kianli, how does this look?
Much better! The hair looks great and the coloured lineart is a nice touch!
Just a few though:
-The eyes are a bit to close to together. You should be able to fit the width of a third eye in between the eyes, but also when you have really large eyes like this, it's ok if the gap is slighty smaller than that.
-The head is slighty too big...? For the size of the face, anyway. I'd either make the head smaller or make the face alrger and further up the head. (or both). I made [ this ] to show you what I mean. (sorry it looks terrible)
- Keep working on your shading and clothing! I know it takes a while to get the hang of everything, so just keep at it!
Hope this helps a bit!
I just did flat colors so it has no shading.
and that example looks freaky though... no offense but it just kinds does.
I just did flat colors so it has no shading.
and that example looks freaky though... no offense but it just kinds does.
(I meant no offense, if you took that as rude! And as for the first bit, I just thought you were directing it at that piece)I know, I was just speaking generally, like with your previous examples.
And I may have put the eyes a little too far apart, [ this ] is better
One thing I noticed about your art is the fact that you often make the head a bit too tall? I'm not an artist but it slightly looks off to me? In the third example it's not as bad, but maybe it's just the fact how low the face is? i dunno m9