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Jul 17, 2015
Holiday Candy Cane 2024
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Holiday Candy Cane 2016
So I made this random drawing a few minutes ago and decided to share it with you guys since I thought it was pretty nice. Can you give me some advice on what I should work on? Thanks. :)

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Nothing can really be said about the image. All anyone can say is just keep practicing. Soon you'll get the hang of it and your style will evolve. Good luck mate.
Nothing can really be said about the image. All anyone can say is just keep practicing. Soon you'll get the hang of it and your style will evolve. Good luck mate.
I have a lot

You need to shade more
The nose is a black hole

The nose is freaky!
Neck is too long for my liking
The hair needs to stick off more.
The eyes are not the same
Anatomy. The shoulders are too small for la head.
Ears do not have to stick out that much
- i'd use thinner lines for line art just to make look more clean
- the neck and shoulders look odd. whether you're going for a realistic or anime style, the neck should generally be more straight going down and the shoulders should be wider than his head
- the neck is too long
- i don't necessarily have a problem with how you did the eyes considering i think it's cute, but it doesn't look very realistic. it just looks like one big pupil with no iris
- the anatomy of his head doesn't look right. i don't know how to give advice for this, but i'd say look for an artist who works with realism and compare it to how you drew it and try to figure out what you left out
- the colors look flat. i can see some definitions of shading, but they're not very noticeable. i suggest working with at least three different shades of colors for each part (clothes, skin, shoes, etc)
- i'm not exactly sure what the dot is. i know it's a nose, but is it his nostrils or.. if it is, i suggest splitting it in half because people have two nostrils
- his ears should have more length of them

what program and device did you use for drawing this?
His neck is pretty long, and his hair is stuck to his head like a swimming cap. It's ok so far, but if you keep practicing I'm sure it'll look way better