Crossovers open up possibility of more than 10?


Bring on the rain ☔
Feb 28, 2020
Sweetheart Easter Egg
Spring Bloom Easter Egg
Toy Duck Plush
Candy Easter Egg
I saw someone mention somewhere in the forms of wondering if they will increase the number of villagers you can have on your island because of the Sanrio cards. Especially when the thought process is, we will get the other villagers eventually too like the Zelda and Splatoon.
Is there a fair possibility of this? Has something like this happened in previous animal crossing games?
I wonder, if they were to do something like that, the best time would be when they are adding an NPC with their own building as well at the same time. I keep hearing yes Brewster will have his own building, and no Brewster will not have his own building and will be in the museum instead. And we have the Animal Crossing Franchise Anniversary Date that I would imagine Nintendo will do something for.
What do you think?
Unfortunately, I don't think they're going to increase villager slots. It was 10 in New Leaf, 10 in City Folk, 8 in Wild World. The only time it was more than 10 was the original GameCube game (15!). Nintendo seems to like the number 10, I think possibly because there are only 8 personalities and that way there isn't as much duplication if you have all the personalities.
I’d hope they will, although I strongly doubt it. Theres 300+ villagers and we still have 10 plots. I don’t think adding like 18 more will change anything, sadly.
I don't see it as a possibility since the villagers aren't something we "need". They're just the same personalities we've had but with different skins. Even with all the new villagers they added in New Horizons, they kept it 10. I think there will have to be more than 10 personalities before we get an increase in NH. Even when more furniture sets get added to the game, like Mario, Nintendo doesn't give us more rooms in our house. We have to make decisions on what to keep and what to get rid of
Sadly I don't think they will expand out plot limits either!
I wish they would, though. Although then I would have to re-design my villager area haha. But still, it would just be nice since there are so many villager options. The struggle is real with picking out different ones to stay on the island. Not sure if I'll be swayed to get a Sanrio villager though, none of them really tickles my fancy at the moment, and my list of villagers to hang out with is so long as is.
Unfortunately I don’t think they’re going to expand the plot limit for villagers. Last year when the game first came out I was confused as to why the limit was still ten like new leaf when now in new horizons the island was so much bigger and there’s not that many other buildings (tailors shop, nook shop, campsite, town hall <can’t remember the actual name of the building in NH lol>). But now for the switch you can have up to eight people playing on the same island which is why I think they kept the villager limit at 10. Even though I have not heard of someone having eight people on the same island if there were to be more than 10 villagers allowed it could make for a very crowded island if perhaps you did actually have to share your island with seven other people
I don't think so infortunately, even if 12 villagers should be perfect in my opinion; 10 is a bit not enough. Maybe if they add a large update with a little island just next to yours with more villagers but I think I dream too much haha
Infortunately even if they are adding more villagers the limit will probably never increase.
Maybe, just imagine, an hostel, somewhere where several villagers could live! Appartments? I'm sure they never thought about that but that should be nice! Three houses in one, for example...
Let's dream just a bit haha
I certainly hope not. Or at least if they did, give us an option of opting out. I don’t need anymore villagers. I would be happy if we could just get rid of one slot and leave it at 9.
Incredibly unlikely, and frankly, weird speculation, haha.
Unfortunately probably won't happen!
i doubt they will but that would be super helpful, i've been stuggling to pick what villagers to keep and move out since the sanrio villagers were announced

then again, i didn't actually believe nintendo would bring sanrio villagers back so maybe they'll throw out a surprise update with this ☆
so yeah, if nintendo could boost it up to 15 villagers like the old games apparently had, i'd be soooo happy lol
Hmm part of me thinks it won't ever go above 10, but the other part of me thinks it would be easier than ever for them to do that now. Nook could simply start selling additional (optional) plots.
12 would be great so you could have 2 of each type but I doubt they will add more. Nintendo doesn't really have a habit of listening to requests and implementing them.
I wish but really doubt it. :/

Even if they did, I feel like players would run into overcrowding problems. The size of the island seems to have been made for 10 villagers (plus your character(s) and buildings). They'd also have to spend a long time coding all of that into the game and then somehow release it via the internet.