Curious... Anyone know?


Krissy, WAKE UP
Jun 21, 2020
White Pansy
March Birthstone (Aquamarine)
Cherry (Fruit)
Red Cosmos
Yellow Cosmos
White Cosmos
Tasty Cake
I have about 560 hours playtime and have never once had villagers ask to come over, knock on my door when i'm in my house, or seen a flea market, etc. I know flea markets weren't in ACNL (if i recall) because of Re-Tail (I think!) but I was hoping to see flea markets in ACNH. I also kind of miss villagers asking to come over to hang out or just knocking on my door.

Have I just been unlucky and they haven't happened or are they not features in ACNH?
they're not part of NH sadly
while i do miss having villagers visit, it was kind of annoying tbh
axel used to walk in my house on NL every single time i was there for more than 2 seconds lol
No, it’s another thing that Nintendo didn’t include. Villagers won’t ask to visit your house and they also won’t ask you to visit theirs at at specific time.
They will still occasionally ask you you play a mini game but I’ve been playing pretty regularly since launch and only had my villager request these mini games three times, so it’s pretty rare.
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they're not part of NH sadly
while i do miss having villagers visit, it was kind of annoying tbh
axel used to walk in my house on NL every single time i was there for more than 2 seconds lol

Ah that stinks, I kind of liked how immersive it was. Plus made me feel more connected to my villagers. I think that's what I really miss in this game. Don't get me wrong, I love the game. I just miss stuff like that.

And heh, that'd annoy me too. I never had that issue though =(

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No, it’s another thing that Nintendo didn’t include. Villagers won’t ask to visit your house and they also won’t ask you to visit theirs at at specific time.
They will still occasionally ask you you play a mini game but I’ve been playing pretty regularly since launch and only had my villager request these mini games three times, so it’s pretty rare.

Yeah, I think it'sonly happened to me a few times too!
they're not part of NH sadly
while i do miss having villagers visit, it was kind of annoying tbh
axel used to walk in my house on NL every single time i was there for more than 2 seconds lol
Haha Daisy was constantly walking in on me. I use to hide in one of my side rooms XD
Yeah, unfortunately it's not in. I loved villager visits, even unexpected ones. But I think it was found in datamine that villager visits could come back, and I don't see why they would leave this out, so I think it could come back in the future
Yeah, unfortunately it's not in. I loved villager visits, even unexpected ones. But I think it was found in datamine that villager visits could come back, and I don't see why they would leave this out, so I think it could come back in the future

That'd be awesome if it did! I really loved the element it brought. I admit, I'm one of those people who really gets immersed in games and I like things like that XD
That'd be awesome if it did! I really loved the element it brought. I admit, I'm one of those people who really gets immersed in games and I like things like that XD
Yeah me too, I feel like NL did it best lol, there's some other things in NH that kind of kill the immersion for me, like being able to call them up at like 4am/5am to move their house, or having a ceremony with everyone at 3am, forgetting who you are immediately when you find them on an island, not knowing you in dream islands...and of course them being a little to repetitive in this game
There was talk that villagers visiting could be possible due to a dataleak but we have yet to see if this is true or not. I honestly want it to be a thing, as it would give us more stuff to do with the villagers who feel like they've been put on the backseat for the game's newest mechanics.