Custom floor glitch?


🌜 from Lunasoleil 🌞
Jun 24, 2013
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I'm gonna try to explain this best I can and hope it makes sense. I am putting down a custom fall path, not mine. Creator ID is 1912-6916-4874. It's basically a dirt path with leaves,acorns etc on the edges. I originally had the in game terra cotta path and I thought when you put a new path over an old one the old one is removed. I was wrong. I put this path over the terra cotta one and you could see the stone pattern through it. I actually really liked it that way. The problem occured when I used the plain dirt part of the path. When I placed the dirt sections the terra cotta stones did not show through, it was just plain dirt(never mind that the corners of the squares stuck out past the edge of the path). Because of this I had to remove the terra cotta path and then put the custom path down so it all looked the same. I don't understand why this happened and only with the plain dirt sections. I like it as is now but I prefer it with the stone pattern under it. Does anyone know why this happened or how i can fix it? Sorry I didn't take pics before I changed it. Thanks
not that i could tell. but it seems weird for the creator to make some transparent but not all