Before you offer, you need to show a portfolio first! Then people might be willing to offer.
Every designers who are in the business should know that. d:
Cant you just post like 5 here for show?
It would be way more convenient.
I'd also be interested in seeing a portfolio first. don't have one on your website??
But that's just a black background with a drop shadow on your font ;_;
How would the picture look?
You're website does not show any portfolio, it's just an order type of them.
I honestly think you can't really do business without a portfolio! Plus, I do not think you're stuff are not really professional. >_< It looks like any beginner could do it, unless you prove me wrong with your portfolio.
I didn't use a picture because when you print the logos you don't get the full effect I will do a couple when I get back.
I didn't use a picture because when you print the logos you don't get the full effect I will do a couple when I get back.

What on earth are you talking about? I'm pretty sure you're a troll seeing as you can't even spell the word 'professional' correctly while at the same time calling yourself one.
lol ^
@ nickybronco, Sorry for being a bit harsh, but if you are doing this type of business, then you must take it seriously. Without a portfolio = failing business.
I like it how he just completely ignored us XD

@Nicky: Just make a tag wall or something.
Example: Here's one I made for this forum on a Thread -

something like that maybe?

lol I know right? Oh btw, your portfolio is amazing! :]

@Nicky Where's the portfolio stuff you promised? Also I looked at your facebook, saw some few samples.. I think it's mediocre and the color scheme for one of them does not compliment well. Have you ever taken any digital design classes?
I say give it a rest he's proved he's either an 11 year old or a troll either way is of no use in a business of any sorts.