hiya koi karp! i saw that the og flower wand was pretty high up on your wishlist earlier and was wondering if this cyan wand was the one that sold for 12k? (amazing price btw!) i think that’s around the same ball park price as the og flower wand but I’m not entirely sure ;u; I think I’d be down to do a 1:1 trade, I’m so on the fence about letting the flower wand go LOL but if that isn’t enough, I can maybe offer up other things or maybe tbt if I get to selling somethings, but let me know!
i'm very on the fence about it but i do have a white feather. they sell for at least 10k plus they aren't sold very often, so it's a near-even trade since you got the cyan heart wand for just 12k
i'm a little attached to it since it's from a friend (i traded a disco egg for it, in case anyone thought i was giving away something i got for free/cheap) but i have their permission and i don't use it often, so i thought i'd put the offer out there just in case! could maybe add some tbt too.
hi! I have nothing from your above list sadly, but if you're also looking at other things you can take a look at what I have to offer in my thread here.