The Iron Bull was facing a difficult choice.
Loyalty to his country, or to his friends?
He was a Qunari. He was a follower of the Qun. He always had been, and he always did whatever the Qun asked of him.
But since he was an undercover spy, he made friends. He met Krem. He met a lot of new people along the way. He formed the Bull's Chargers.
They were his family.
But the choice to make was too much to him. To save his fellow Qunari, or to save the Bull's Chargers? If he didn't choose soon, both groups would die.
The Iron Bull was torn - it was between his loyalty or his friends.
He couldn't do it. He couldn't decide. He looked to the Inquisitor, and she had the same difficulty choosing.
No matter what, they were choosing which lives were more valuable.
The Inquisitor made the choice - to save as many lives as possible. A ship of qunari versus 6 fighters. She told the Iron Bull, and he nodded.
He watched his best friends die.
Krem, especially, was the last man. The Iron Bull's most loyal soldier, his second in command.
The Iron Bull left him to die for the greater good.
Nothing could make him forget that.
Briala felt her blood tingling. Her back was to the wall, and she was down to her last arrow.
"You goddamn annoying elf. So tough to kill, aren't you." Harlequin whined. His job was almost done.
"You won't get away with this."
Briala cried, but she was shaking. She was scared. Nothing could stop her fear.
Harlequin laughed at her words. "Empress Celene doesn't care for you anymore, and we need to keep it that way."
Harlequin was nice enough to give her a quick death, at least.
Krem, aka
Tom the Townie died in sacrifice.
Briala, aka
Runeraider the Townie died for a cause.
Day Two ends on November 15th, 9 PM PST. You have 48 hours left to vote.