Buying Dandelion and Dandelion Puffs


Senior Member
Jul 19, 2015
Sautéed Mushrooms
100% (6) +
Self explanatory, I really want them for my natural themed town!! Please Please Please send them my way. :lemon:
How many do you want of each?
I have some e in my sons town that i am getting tomorrow he's got a few of each.
Edit I have my son's town now and he has about maybe 10 of each. I put them in the locker so they dont blow away.
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I don't know an exact number but I'd gladly give you a couple spare I have!Would it be okay if I charged you 1tbt for every 3 I find?
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How many do you want of each?
I have some e in my sons town that i am getting tomorrow he's got a few of each.
Edit I have my son's town now and he has about maybe 10 of each. I put them in the locker so they dont blow away.

Hi, I would love to buy these from you! Let me know how much!
I have about 20 as well, let me know if you need them!<3
You seem to have had a lot of offers here already, so I'm not certain you'll still want these, or even need them. I have, maybe, three or four (normal dandelions) that I've collected in town the past few days. If I find anymore, I will continue to store them in my locker on the off chance that you might want them. I know it's not many, but maybe 1TBT for the 3 (possibly four) I have, and any others I may find? Every little helps! :)