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Datamine Summer Speculation


Dipping Bopping Diving
Mar 30, 2020
Sautéed Mushrooms
The Bell Tree World Championship 2021 Patch
Tasty Cake
Tricolored Puppy Plush
September Birthstone (Sapphire)
I'm so excited about the new datamined information featured in a youtube video from SwitchForce. I wanted to share it here! He's suggesting, based on datamine information, we maybe are getting a bigger island. And more exciting news! What are your thoughts about this?

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In my opinion switchforce is awful for blowing things way out of proportion.

The data mines dont suggest a bigger island is coming in my opinion at all.
I think it is extremely extremely unlikely.
Like to the point where I think he's being irresponsible by even suggesting it to his audience.

Looking at datamined stuff can be fun, but all of it needs to be taken with a massive grain of salt.

The only thing I feel comfortable saying from the data mines, it is possible, the roost may come as an expansion to the museum at some point in the future. Maybe.
In my opinion switchforce is awful for blowing things way out of proportion.

The data mines dont suggest a bigger island is coming in my opinion at all.
I think it is extremely extremely unlikely.
Like to the point where I think he's being irresponsible by even suggesting it to his audience.

Looking at datamined stuff can be fun, but all of it needs to be taken with a massive grain of salt.

The only thing I feel comfortable saying from the data mines, it is possible, the roost may come as an expansion to the museum at some point in the future. Maybe.

Switchforce is incredibly click baity. I appreciate his enthusiasm and love for the game, but cmon, he's the opposite of what "hype responsibly" means. He's been wrong many many times before and keeps doing videos for the likes. Ugh.

Alas, I don't really know about the data mine stuff. Like, it might come but it might not come at all. We're all still waiting for Brewster which was hinted way early 2020 and still nothing.
Not going to believe any of this nonsense anymore until Nintendo releases the next update (however big or small it may be).

Personally I agree with the posters above me, and think it's wildly irresponsible to make video's like these. Especcially after the whole anniversary letdown(s).
Lets not get our hopes up and not jump to conclusions. I've seen this type of thing happen before and sometimes it didn't come true. Remember how last year that people got excited when they found out that "Brewster" was mentioned through the villager's dialogue? Since then people really were hoping he would come but of course nothing happen. The same thing with the 2.0 update when so many people on YouTube were getting everyone's hopes up that it was coming and again it did not happen.

The best thing I would say is do not always believe what you see in the data mine. Its not always going to be a guarantee if the content that was found will come to the game or not. I may of said this in another thread but I'll say it here. We really do not know when this will be announced. I think we should really slow down on the speculations, because a lot of times when Nintendo mentions something that is coming or if its a rumor started by someone, people tend to speculate "Oh what if this is there or what if this NPC makes a return this time"? Most times when that happens people get their hopes up too high and they got disappointed.

Its impossible to predict whats going to happen in the future and I think by the end of the day we will get more updates with the game, since Nintendo made it clear that they were planning on supporting this game for 3 to 4 years so its not like they are going to abandon the game and move on to something else. All we can do is wait and see what happens. For now I think we just need to really slow down on the speculations, because I can see it being pretty tiring and it can pretty repetitive. We can only hope for so much and when it doesn't happened we just have to keep on waiting until it eventually happens. Its frustrating I know, but it is what it is.
I always never trust datamines, as you know how many fake ones there can be.

Also, I would like to believe SwitchForce to not be a reliable datamine believer. Then again, any Youtuber you come across has no increased chance of having a fake datamine be true.
It all comes down to when it actually arrives. And I'd say the new update won't arrive until July. And it's very likely that the update pattern will be the same as last year's.
I generally don’t trust datamines since a lot predicted Brewster and we still don’t have him (or gyroids).

even if it was true, I really don’t want a larger island. If it does get included I’m hoping it’s not mandatory. Maybe a tiny island where we can swim to, but please don’t expand the south beach or land 🙏🏻
One other thing, Nintendo has been doing this technique if there is no video trailer, there's no major details. Since March, they've done this all on images on their website. Who knows, if they bring up something big it'll be from a video. They really don't want displeased fans, so it's likely they're trying this tactic out and it's almost working.
Yeah, I'll believe something is actually being released when we get a trailer for it. Too much stuff has appeared, disappeared, and then reappeared in the datamines for me to trust that because something is there now means that it's definitely coming in the next update.
I'm also joining the "I don't trust SwitchForce AT ALL" bandwagon, because in addition to taking ages to start a video, he's also not great at fact-checking (although this is true of most of ACTube in general)

Dodocodes is generally good for post-update summations, but it doesn't actually source its datamine information and often misinterprets things, like the "museum 3rd floor" which is actually a third version of the museum's main hall. Most of this stuff is mostly true, it just gets kind of mangled.

Personally, a better place for datamine information's the Animal Crossing: New Horizons Discord server that's pinned in the r/AC_NewHorizons subreddit, because it's got actual dataminers to clarify things and go into things in more specific detail, and I generally trust what those guys say over random YouTubers.

This island datamine he mentions is (according to stoney, one of the dataminers there) actually one of 4 stages in OutdoorStageCameraParams called "invalid", which recently had its mSouthShoreBaseline changed from 500 to 1000... which is the same as MainField, which is presumably the one that's your actual island. However, stoney doesn't actually know what it is.

There's a leaker on Twitter who's vaguely credible (but I'm still on the fence as to whether she's actually legit) who says that some stuff's being held back because of Monster Hunter Rise, which sounds true enough to believe (given there's a suspicious gap in the Amiibo IDs)... and I'd also bet that it's also partially due to ACNH's soundtrack being released on CD in June (and not wanting to release anything that isn't on it just yet) as well as E3. The fact that the museum cafe's turned up again (after being removed along with all mentions in the dialog last April) is kinda promising and adds a lot of weight to what she's saying, but I honestly don't know WHEN it's going to turn up, because I could be wrong, again. Same with fence customisation, Lottie, or *shudder* turning Isabelle into a bulletin board instead of a slightly ditzy loading screen.

1.10.0 is internally referred to as SummerUpdate1, so there's another update coming at some point soon, presumably in July... so I'm gonna go look forward to that!
Like others have said, I'd be particularly wary of SwitchForce in specific. They have a terrible reputation for clickbaiting the hell out of datamines and exaggerating the truth. I'd absolutely love to see Kapp'n, new island features, and more, but we pretty much have to assume this is probably fake. Speculating can be fun, but let's not get excited about new features that haven't been officially mentioned yet.

Side note, the balls on this guy (SwitchForce) are insane. He talks like all this speculation is fact and acts like he knows everything about these updates/datamines, when in reality most of his predictions have been false. I don't know, it's just kind of slimy that these big YouTubers make clickbait content like this, but I guess that's just how it goes.
That video looks dope but clickbait-y as hell. I think part of the reason why people get so upset about updates is because videos like this hype up datamines way too much and end up disappointing a lot of people. I wish youtubers wouldn't make content like this because its entirely misleading.
Side note, the balls on this guy (SwitchForce) are insane. He talks like all this speculation is fact and acts like he knows everything about these updates/datamines, when in reality most of his predictions have been false. I don't know, it's just kind of slimy that these big YouTubers make clickbait content like this, but I guess that's just how it goes.
Absolutely! Speculation is one thing, but going so far as to deliberately mislead for clicks and views (like... That building in the thumbnail has nothing to do with AC) is so disingenuous🤢

To get back on topic, I'm with pretty much everyone else on this thread. I'll believe this stuff when I see it. Remember when ceiling items and villager visits were speculated? 😅
If I'm honest, I didn't see anything this person proposed that would lead me to such wild conclusions. There was a lot of reaching on most if not all that was said. I'm totally here for his optimism and all of those features would be great but I do think there's some wishful thinking here.
Ignoring the source, I doubt any of it's true. Nintendo wouldn't give us a good update. *cough*

But seriously, it would be amazing if this did happen, or really anything to happen at this point. We're starvingggggg!! A bigger island would be nice actually.
Someone said it on the tv. So it must be true. Surely they wouldn't just fabricate stuff for views, right?
Side note, the balls on this guy (SwitchForce) are insane. He talks like all this speculation is fact and acts like he knows everything about these updates/datamines, when in reality most of his predictions have been false. I don't know, it's just kind of slimy that these big YouTubers make clickbait content like this, but I guess that's just how it goes.
And, conveniently, when all the big extravagant stuff he all but promises in these videos don't end up coming to fruition, he gets to plead innocence and scapegoat Nintendo for 'failing to deliver' instead of owning his own harmful role in getting peoples' hopes up.