Day 2- Work, Friends.. and Bad Omens?

Jordan Marek

Nature Lover
Feb 28, 2016
Throwback Tickets
I start out the new day by talking to Pete. He tells me about the mail system. I open my mailbox to find a letter from an unknown sender. I read it and figure it outs from the person who was supposed to be the mayor. Oops! At least he is rooting for me. :)

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I begin to start running on my paths. If I want to have dirt paths, I have to run on the paths every day for a few minutes. After I finish, I decide to go bug catching. The first bug I catch is the bee's less dangerous cousin, the honeybee!

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After catching a many bugs, I decide to start watering my paths. I want to get it done early so I don't forget. Hopefully I get hybrids soon!

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I go out and talk to each of my villagers. They have nothing new to say, as they are still giving me advice on how to play. Tutu told me how to take screenshots!

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I'm wayyy ahead of you, Tutu. :p As I explore my village, I find out who's moving in tomorrow! It's Jambette... I don't think I have ever had her as a villager.

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Who is this mystery villager? :confused: As I walk away, I fall into a pitfall seed in front of her soon to be house!

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It must be a bad omen! :( Hopefully she doesn't cause me any problems. I walk (carefully) up to my town plaza. I fins a perfect apple! Maybe that's a good sign! :D

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It appears Redd is in my town. That shady ol' fox.

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I go in and buy a flowery painting- it was the only one that wasn't fake. Redd you scam artist, why? :mad: Speaking of scam artists...

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I pay off my home loan to Tom Nook! Although I am happy now, I know this is only the beginning of Tom's attempts to take my hard-earned bells. I take my hard-earned bells and go shopping. I buy a black lucky cat and head over to the Able Sisters. Once again, Sable ignores me. I find Eloise here. She makes a request of what I should wear.

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Do they even have open-backed dresses on Animal Crossing?! :confused: I don't find any new clothes, sadly. I head to the museum to donate my catches and then head to Re-Tail to sell my extra stuff. Apples were on premium today! Neat! :)

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I go fishing, as I haven't really fished much. I catch somewhere near 5 sea bass in a row... bad omen number 2. I then catch this...

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A boot?! That's bad omen number 3! This is not good! :( I decide to take my mind off the bad signs and go talk to Isabelle. She talks to me about my town approval rating.

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Only 23 percent? I have some work today! I totally push it off though. :p I go to my house and put in some of my new furniture.

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Like the kitchen island? I bought it from The Pennifer! Thanks so much :) Chaicow let me buy from her shops, which was really sweet. Thank you as well! Finally, p e p p e r sold me a wide variety of rare items. Again, thank you as well! I go home and save and quit. I'm exhausted after a busy day!

PS What do you think of my new hairdo?

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Will I have a bad day tomorrow? We shall see! Until then, bye! Thanks for reading!


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