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Day 371 - Impeach Isabelle


Beth from Storrs
Feb 19, 2015
Throwback Tickets
Classic Easter Egg
Good evening to my readers, myself, or whoever. Today in Storrs wasn't anything special, but here's my obligatory recap. I woke up this morning to fair weather and went back inside to dress appropriately. Noticing yet again that it's becoming difficult to decide on what to wear, I figured that it may be time to try some new clothes out. My drawers are all filled with my favorite outfits, but I feel like I need something new. Regardless, I ended up deciding on my Alpinist Hat and Fern Tee and set off about my day.

Whitney, as usual, was the first to greet me outside of my house. I spoke to her and she told me that she was wondering if I would help her with her decor. I agreed, and would remember to think of her when I checked the shops today. Then I set off in my usual direction and stopped by Mitzi's, where I found a discarded pouch lying on the ground. Since Mitzi was home, and generally any lost items I find outside of her house are hers, I stopped in to check if this one was as well. Sure enough, it was her pouch with something very important she did not specify inside. Mitzi, you're going to have to get better at keeping up with your things! You won't be so lucky one of these times and lose something far away from your house. While there, I noticed that she had displayed the Cabana Bookcase I bought at the island yesterday and sent her! It looks nice; Her room is such a nice combination of cabana and blue items, I must say she's done a very fine job.

Next, just on the other side of the river, Wart Jr. ran over as he usually does. This time, I didn't even see him coming. He told me he'd bought a Tape Deck on the spur of the moment the other day, didn't want it, and tried to get me to buy it. Seriously, Wart Jr., this is an every day thing. I believe this classifies as a serious spending problem you may need to see a counselor about. I cannot keep buying these things to get you out of your messes! So I declined, and he said he figured that's what happens when you buy something you don't need without thinking. Hopefully that was enough to set him right.

A bit later I saw Fang and asked him what was up. He asked me if I wanted to hang out with him at his place, if I wasn't doing anything. I was in the middle of patrol, but as we were right at the bridge that went down to where his house was, I reasoned that I wouldn't spoil any places I'd yet to search and agreed to visit with him for a bit. At his house, I thought I would ask about buying the t-shirt he'd displayed behind his bed. It took him forever to offer me anything, but with some heavy persistence and after having heard 'I don't usually have company so don't ask me for anything to eat' about fifteen times, he finally told me what I wanted to hear. I asked him about his Red Gym Tee and fortunately he was willing to sell it to me. Now I just need to buy him a tall tree and send him to (hopefully) put back there where one was before.

Back to my walk, I found Becky out by her house. She asked me if I knew that Fang was allergic to spiced chai, and laughed as she told me that was a rumor she came up with. She explained all about how rumors get started, and I was rather unsettled to listen to her rattle on with such professionalism. She's obviously quite experienced in rumor-spreading, and I really need to keep a strict watch on her if I can't get her out of town.

Now yesterday, I thought I would go ahead and get started on one project I've had in mind. Not spoiling what it is, but I will disclose that it involves two custom design signs and a certain design for a spot on the ground. So yesterday I had set up a spot for the first sign and paid it off and today was the completion ceremony. I didn't really want to attend until the second one was finished, but I decided on having it for the first one anyway. After that was done, I talked with Isabelle and told her I wanted to build another one. I dragged her over to the same area, where I had a spot marked off just two spaces to the right of the first sign. I wanted the two signs to be fairly close, since they need to be read together. But APPARENTLY, two spaces away was "too close." So I moved a couple more spaces away, and Isabelle STILL wasn't having it.

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Here you can barely see the first sign in the background behind Isabelle. Notice how FAR AWAY IT IS. I must say, this has to be the most annoying thing. Why can't PWPs follow tree logic, and be placed near other things as long as there's a free space on all sides? And, how does Isabelle have the power to tell me where things can or cannot go? I'M the Mayor! SHE is my assistant. SHE is beneath me! Why can't I fire her?! So, yeah, if I haven't mentioned it before now, I hate Isabelle. I do not think she is cute and cuddly, but rather cheeky and irritating. For those people who adore Isabelle, I apologize. You can take mine and have two.

Anyhow, rant aside, I did manage to place the second design sign, only one space to the right of where I originally wanted it. So it's going to be three spaces to the right of the first sign. I can make that work, at least. I routed a little one-space wide path up and across in front of them, so hopefully both signs can be noticed at the same time. It should end up looking nice, if not exactly how I had originally planned.

Having my mayor business finished, I headed on up to Main Street. Blathers assessed my fossils, and since I hadn't found much on patrol I still had plenty of room in my pockets so I decided to go ahead and shop while I was there. Nothing interesting being sold anywhere, not even anything I thought might look good in Whitney's house. I'll probably just let it go until the next time she asks, since I'm not even sure what kind of stuff would look good in her house anyway.

And that does it for my day today. I'm back from my travels for now, so hopefully my posts can start being more interesting and regular. :p



  • HNI_0033.JPG
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Oh man, it took me FOREVER to get Isabelle to agree on some of my PWP's. She may look cute, but behind all that fluff is one of the most annoying game characters ever, right up there with Navi and Fi from the Zelda games.

I wish I could trade your snooty villager woes with my snooty villager woes. Astrid is...well, I've got more about it in my blog post tonight. :(
I totally agree about Isabelle being one of the most annoying characters ever. I'm still trying to get my third bridge built in Salem because she won't let me put it where the old one I tore down stood.

Snooty villagers do like to make trouble. They're also quite the gossip mongers, but I've learned a lot of useful information from them, so it does pay off.