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Day 372 - Deer in the Headlights


Beth from Storrs
Feb 19, 2015
Throwback Tickets
Classic Easter Egg
Today, I did stuff. First, I changed my clothes and checked my mail. I had a letter from Fang, thanking me for going over to his house yesterday. He told me that I could always be straightforward with him, since we're friends. That was awfully sweet, and he included a gift for me. Chief and Mitzi wrote me letters too, and they also enclosed presents. I didn't need any of the wallpapers or clothes that they sent, so I stashed them away to be sold later.

I didn't see Whitney outside of my house this morning, which I thought was odd, and she wasn't in her house. I hoped that she'd be walking around elsewhere, since a change of pace can be good for you now and then. Contrariwise, I set off in my usual way to make my rounds around town. I found a fossil in the wooded area I'm working on, and crossed the suspension bridge to find Mitzi hiding behind the row of fruit trees. She was hidden rather well, actually.

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She suggested a time for 2pm, which I agreed to since it was getting pretty close to that and it was less likely I would miss it.

Just beyond, I watered some wilted flowers outside of Wart Jr.'s house and noticed that he was home. I popped in to say hello, and he told me he had a gift he needed to give to Mitzi, but he wasn't sure he could deliver it himself. It isn't often I see Wart Jr. so shy, so I figured he really meant it. I agreed to deliver the present to Mitzi, since she was practically right in his backyard. I found her quickly and she told me to guess the contents of the box. I guessed furniture, since I thought Wart Jr. might still be trying to get rid of the Tape Deck he was trying to sell to me yesterday. But alas, it was a piece of clothing, so I got no reward. Mitzi thanked me for my services, anyway. I ran back to Wart Jr.'s to tell him the delivery was a success and then continued on with my walk.

Having circled around all of the Business District, I found Buck crossing over the Brick Bridge towards his house. I spoke to him and he told me he made a time capsule, asking me to bury it for him. I had to think about the ideal spot for a moment, since I usually prefer to bury capsules beside their owners' homes but there are flowers all around Buck's house. I thought since I removed a flower from beside Chief's in favor of a tile the other day, I would remove the same flower from beside Buck's and plant the capsule there, to retain the symmetry.

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Continuing on, I crossed the Cobblestone Bridge back south and Felicity ran up to me. She asked me if she'd heard me saying I wanted an Exotic Chair and offered to sell me hers for 1,680 bells. I never said I wanted one and told her this, and she said she'd just give it to me for free since she didn't need it. Thanks, Felicity!

A little way's down the road, I saw that Lolly was home. I eagerly went inside, only to find that Deirdre was also visiting. To be honest, I always get a little jealous when I go in to visit one of my friends and someone else is already in there, especially if it's a villager I wasn't aware my friend was good friends with. Anyhow, I swallowed the feeling and chatted a bit with them both. After a while, Deirdre started acting very confused...

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She kept walking around the room in her thinking expression, which was kind of odd to see. I asked her if she needed any help and it seemed like she didn't really know where she was.

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She told me not to talk to her, since when she had something she was trying to figure out, she couldn't really focus on much else. Maybe that was why she ended up at Lolly's, and they aren't really developing a secret friendship behind my back.

I left her to her problem and resumed my patrol. After checking the last of town and giving my breeding hybrids a once-over, I stopped by to see Fang, who was also home. He asked me to get him a fruit, which I could easily retrieve for him from one of the orange trees beside his house. He enjoyed this and gave me a Two-Ball Tee, which was new to my catalog. I also thought I would keep it since I really liked the color of it, and Whitney having looked so fabulous in it really got it to grow on me. Plus I really need some new outfits.

On my way up to Main Street, I noticed that Chief had gotten home since I last passed by his house. I went in to see him, and he wondered where the heck Deirdre went. He said he'd been looking for her all over the place but couldn't seem to find her anywhere. I wondered if this had anything to do with her seeming confused earlier, so when he asked me to track her down for him I agreed to go look for her. I found her wandering around just outside of Chief's house and assumed that he'd asked her to come over, and she got a little lost on the way. When I talked to her, she didn't mention having been invited by him, so maybe she forgot where she was going.

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I have no idea what she could have been thinking about, either... Suspicions aside, she agreed to come with me. I walked her over to Chief's door, making sure to be extra careful so as not to run off and leave my dumbfounded little deer. Anticlimactically, Chief just had a Lovely Tee to give her, that he had heard her talking about and bought for her. She was happy to receive it, but apparently not happy enough to put it on right there. She thanked him and left, and Chief gave me a Plank Flooring for helping him out.

Finally able to make my way up to the Museum, I saw Mitzi in the pansy patch beside the Town Hall and realized that it was twelve minutes after two. Feeling remorse for missing our appointment, I apologized to her and was hoping I could offer to have her over right then, but could not. Darn my limited vocabulary.

After having my fossils checked and purchasing some Star Paper, Pink PJ Bottoms, and a Wario Hat for my catalog, I went to sell everything to Reese. Then I planted my fertilizer between my pink roses today, since I'm trying to collect some pink and purple ones to line the new path around Re-Tail. I likewise planted my new cedar sapling in the wooded area beside of Mitzi's, and noticed the new design sign. That reminded me to see Isabelle about the completion ceremony, and saw to that. I have to admit it looks pretty good with the other sign, despite being that one space too far to the right. I'm going to plant some flowers around them today, and if everything is to my liking I can show off the new little area tomorrow.

Later, at the Roost, I found Whitney sitting in at the bar. That explained where she'd been all day. Felicity was my first customer. I didn't immediately recall any information about her preferences and consulted my records for some information. I didn't have any definitive choices, so I gave her a Kilimanjaro with regular milk and two sugars. She said it would be perfect, if I'd only used the right kind of beans.
Next was Wart Jr., who likes Blue Mountain coffee with regular milk and two sugars. Then was Chief, who likes the blend with lots of milk and three sugars. Pete was last, and I only recalled having served him once or twice, so I consulted my records again to see what I'd narrowed him down to so far. Regular milk was all I knew, so I gave him a blend coffee with no sugar. He said he just liked a different amount of sugar, so if I am correct in my calculations he prefers two.

That's about it for today. I'll see what goodness I have to share tomorrow!



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Wow, you're very detailed. Are these what actually happen in you're Animal Crossing play? (I'm new to your posting) Or just a fun little writing?
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Cutievideoworld IRL;bt10028 said:
Wow, you're very detailed. Are these what actually happen in you're Animal Crossing play? (I'm new to your posting) Or just a fun little writing?

Yep! I try to post every day about what really goes on in my town. :)
"Today I did stuff". What more needs to be said in a blog post? xD

Poor Deirdre...she seems worse than the lazy villagers when it comes to getting lost!
Sounds like quite the full day in Storrs!

Poor Deirdre, is right. And I thought Stitches was easily lost when he told me I had to lead the way to his house the other day because he couldn't remember how to get there (we were standing right in front of the house). I guess Lazies aren't the only ones who easily get lost!

Oh, and "beefcake"? Where did Mitzi pick that up?
Born2BWild;bt10032 said:
"Today I did stuff". What more needs to be said in a blog post? xD

Poor Deirdre...she seems worse than the lazy villagers when it comes to getting lost!

Haha, I wasn't much up for formalities so I thought I'd just jump right in. x)
And yeah, I have to admit I felt a bit sorry for her!

Beefcake was a nickname someone suggested a very long time ago. I have no idea why I ever agreed to it, it's awful. xD Mitzi is the only one still hanging onto it, apparently.
Quite odd for Deidre to be acting like that...I've never seen it before. Ah, well, it might just be a villager thing.

I always miss my appointments with villagers if they're set to a later time as well. :p