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Day 373 - And the Mome Raths Outgrabe


Beth from Storrs
Feb 19, 2015
Throwback Tickets
Classic Easter Egg
Hello again, everyone! I'm back for another segment of Life in Storrs, starring myself. I emerged this afternoon to partly cloudy skies, and I was half hoping that it would eventually start to rain. Unfortunately, as the day went on it never did. Anyhow, I thought I would try out my new Two-Ball Tee today, and opted for my White Formal Pants, White Patent Shoes, and Hair-Bow Wig, just because I didn't have a hair accessory to match. Quite a mixture of dressy and casual, but hey, if Whitney could make this shirt look fabulous, so can I.

I thought I might switch out my golden shovel for my silver today, in hopes of my special rock being on ore rock. Again my hopes proved fruitless, with my special rock just sprouting bells today. Can't complain, though!

I only had one letter today, from Wart Jr. 'Just between us', he told me that I'm one of the few people that he thinks of as a close pal. :') And so I'm going to post it on my blog for all the world to see.

Setting off on my daily inspection of town, I found Mitzi in the lily breeding patch behind the plaza. She came running up to me and told me that she made some frozen custard today but thought that something was missing. She asked me what temperature I thought would be best for serving it at, and I suggested just a hint warmer than stone cold. You don't want your custard to be frozen solid, after all. She thanked me for the suggestion and said she would try it out.

Heading north into the newly developed forest that I must admit is coming along very nicely, I stopped for a moment to admire the new little section I put together for more of my Wonderland theme.

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My favorite characters in the whole story, the mome raths, finally got some love.
Artistically speaking, I designed the two signs by hand myself, imitating the ones from the movie as best I could without making five separate signs. Tried to keep the font irregular, because that's how things are done in Wonderland. And the picture of the mome raths I just converted straight from an image without any fixing up at all. I'm quite pleased with how it all turned out. :)

Landscaping-wise, I think I'm going to stick with the pink cosmos. I might try alternating them with orange ones, but I like these for now. I intend to scatter cosmos and violets all throughout the wooded area, since those are the flowers I imagine would be most likely to grow in the 'wild'.

Moving on, I crossed the suspension bridge and found Wart Jr. where I usually do, close by his house. He was walking around with his shovel in hand and told me that he wanted to dig some secret tunnels, as it is "in a man's nature to dig holes." I wished him luck with that and kept on my way.

Made my way through the Business District and Zen Park, and found Buck a little farther away from home than usual, just above the Cobblestone Bridge by Becky's house. He asked me to find some new furniture for his house, which I wasn't so sure about doing because I'd gotten him to display several things just recently I'd like him to keep. But if there was anything I thought would look great at T&T today, I would be sure to pick it up for him. I talked to him again, and he explained why he was where he was.

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I had to admit, that sounded pretty gross. But as I thought about it, I suppose it isn't such a bad thing to do. The Hot Spring could actually serve as a little outdoor spa the villagers could hit if they wanted to relax for a while in the Zen Park. However he did say that he forgot his towel, and it probably wouldn't be too cool of him to walk around town in his birthday suit. Good discretion.

Continuing on, I crossed the bridge and noticed that Felicity and Deirdre were both out wandering around somewhere, but Lolly was home. I stopped in to say hello to her, and she said she had a present she wanted me to deliver to Wart Jr., since she usually ends up making things awkward. I didn't think so, but I agreed to help her anyway. I made my way through the last of my walk, checking around the bonfire and up in my hybrid breeding field. That being done, I found Wart Jr. coming down the lane toward Re-Tail. I gave him the gift, which turned out to be a Beige Knit Shirt he liked so much he put on right there. It looked really nice on him, too!

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It's a great color on him. For my efforts, he gave me a coconut.

While this conversation was transpiring, Chief crossed the Brick Bridge and started walking down toward us. I spoke to him after Wart Jr., and he was telling me about how much he liked fruit. Prepared to give him the coconut I just received when he asked, he ended up requesting a perfect fruit. My premonitions just weren't going for me today. :p Happily though, I ran the short way's down to my house and grabbed him a perfect peach from my drawers, since I was pretty sure all of my villagers had to be less than impressed by the taste of perfect pears by now. Chief was thoroughly amazed by this and gave me a Robo-Sofa in return, an item that I thought would be a perfect fit for HIS house instead. I stashed it away to mail back to him later. With that, he told me that he may have just found something even more important than fruit. What, Chief? My friendship?

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Yay. :')

Then I made my way up to Main Street, had my fossils checked out, and ran back down to Re-Tail. After selling everything, I broke down and decided to buy the Modern Wood Sofa that had been sitting in the front spot forever. Turns out it was Deirdre's, but I had every thought and intention of sending it to Lolly. She needs to replace that giant sea bass she has and hopefully this will do the trick. I added this to my stash of things to mail later.

Back at Main Street, I started routinely checking all of the shops. I purchased the cedar sapling that Leif had today and received some spectacular news.

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Golden Axe! Yay!! :D It happened a bit sooner than I imagined. I thought I'd have to buy an unworldy amount of saplings before I got it, but apparently the few I'd been buying recently had been just enough. I did a victory cheer and danced a little jig with Leif and Felicity, who was also nearby.

After that, I browsed the rest of the store. I ended up buying a Four-Leaf Paper pack and K.K. Lullaby for my catalog and checked out the upstairs. Apparently today was build-a-kitchen day at T&T, because four out of the five floor pieces were kitchen items. The only other one was a Drum Set, which I immediately decided that Buck did NOT need, so he was going to have to go with no new furniture for a while longer. I did think any of the kitchen items would be a fantastic addition to Lolly's home, but decided against it since I already had something to mail her for the day.

Having checked all of the stores, I headed back to town to sort out my new purchases. I buried my fertilizer and planted the sapling over in my forest-to-be. Then I took a moment to rest and write letters to Lolly, Chief, Fang, and Becky. I had bought a Fan Palm that I thought would fill the void behind Fang's bed where I thought he should put another plant, and the Abel Sisters were selling a Noble Shirt that I'd been meaning to buy for Becky.

I took a moment to chop some trees down with my new axe and had quite a fun time, even narrowly escaping some bees. Fortunately Redd had his tent in the plaza today.

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"Oh, don't mind us. You already made it to the door, so go ahead in."

Redd didn't have anything for me, so I passed on his offers this time. And I didn't come out of my chopping with any special stumps either, to my disappointment.

I found Fang up by the Suspension Bridge and he called me over to ask me what I really think of him. I gave him an answer somewhere in the range of a notch or two below extremely nice. He was glad that I understand who he truly is a heart, "a real man of the people." Then he asked to see my house, so I agreed and gave him the complete tour. He must have noticed that nothing had changed since the last time I had him over, since he commented on all of the same pieces that he had during his last visit.

To wrap things up, everyone that came in the Roost today wanted The Regular, so that was easy. Tom Nook was my business customer of the day, and I'd never seen him anywhere other than his store before, so everything I gave him was a guess. I learned that he likes lots of milk, which I will try to remember. Hopped over to the island to see if they had any hibiscus starts, to no avail. They didn't have anything I needed for my catalog, either. So I returned empty-handed this time, but I can always try again tomorrow.



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Hey, if Buck forgot his towel, would he be BUCK naked? xD

Weird story: I actually tried to give one of my villagers (forget which one) a coconut once when they asked for fruit. They said they couldn't bite through it, and actually gave it back to me! I've never tried bamboo shoots, but since that's technically not fruit either, I wonder if they would accept that?

Love the little Wonderland sign area. All you need is a Cheshire cat pattern. :)
Your town is coming along nicely! I've heard those words (in the title of this post) before. It was in a poem, I believe. ;)

I love Chief's cameo in that Wart Jr. picture. The bees following you is always a treat when you run safely inside a building as well!

Also, congratulations on the Golden Axe! :)
Your town really is coming along so well. I need to get my butt somewhere to a WiFi connection so I can dream of Storrs. I want to see it in person! :)
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Born2BWild;bt10047 said:
Hey, if Buck forgot his towel, would he be BUCK naked? xD

Weird story: I actually tried to give one of my villagers (forget which one) a coconut once when they asked for fruit. They said they couldn't bite through it, and actually gave it back to me! I've never tried bamboo shoots, but since that's technically not fruit either, I wonder if they would accept that?

Love the little Wonderland sign area. All you need is a Cheshire cat pattern. :)

*ba dum tss* xD

Hm, I feel like I've tried to give someone coconuts before but I don't remember...I think bamboo shoots are acceptable to them, since logically they'd be easier to eat. I know Dr. Shrunk takes them, anyway.

& No spoilers...but yes. Stay tuned. (;

MeghanNewLeaf;bt10051 said:
Your town is coming along nicely! I've heard those words (in the title of this post) before. It was in a poem, I believe. ;)

I love Chief's cameo in that Wart Jr. picture. The bees following you is always a treat when you run safely inside a building as well!

Also, congratulations on the Golden Axe! :)

You are correct! It's from the Jabberwocky poem, if my memory serves correctly. ^^

Hehe, it was quite fortunate that he was in the picture. He was making his way down to where I was.

Imbri;bt10053 said:
Your town really is coming along so well. I need to get my butt somewhere to a WiFi connection so I can dream of Storrs. I want to see it in person! :)

Thanks, I appreciate your all's compliments and inputs and everything. There's always something to be said about actually seeing a town, compared to just reading about it. Like when I visited Steven's dream address, it was cool walking around being like "I know what this is!" x) I'd love to visit yours sometime, too!