Day 4- Short Day

Jordan Marek

Nature Lover
Feb 28, 2016
Throwback Tickets
Before I start my day out, Tortimer talks to me and tells me to meet him by the docks. He says he has a proposition for me. I shall go whenever I get the chance! When I do go outside, I immediately check my mail.

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I get a letter from the HHA congratulating me on becoming a member. I also get a letter from my mom, who says she is worried yet excited about me living on my own. I'll be fine, mom. :) I start to water my flowers when I notice I got a new hybrid- blue pansies! I place them closer to my house.

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As I'm watering my flowers, I begin to talk to some of my villagers. Jambette was kind again today! Maybe we won't be enemies after all. Tutu gives me quite the compliment.

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Thanks, Tutu! You are very sweet :D However her sweet demeanor turns sour when she begins arguing with Eloise. Such savagery... and all about hair!

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I visit Roscoe's house. His house is pretty cool.

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I tell him his house is awesome and take my leave. I talk to the rest of my villagers, who have nothing new to tell me. I do, however, notice someone new moving in. I'm not sure who this 'Curlos' is, but hopefully he will be nice!

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As I go shopping, I stop by Nook's shop. I meet Lyle who tells me about the HHA. He is one interesting otter!

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I buy a new shirt from the Able Sisters. I'll match them with my pants momentarily! I first meet Isabelle's twin brother, Digby. He tells me about the HHA showcase. Neat!

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I go to the train station to grab my matching pants from my locker. What do you think of my outfit now?

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A little more professional, yes? :cool: As I prepare for my meeting with Tortimer, Jambette asks me to change her greeting. Aw, maybe you will be sweet after all!

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Finally I meet up with Tortimer. He tells me all about the island, which I can go to tomorrow. I can't wait! :)

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I decide to go home and redecorate now that my house is bigger. What do you think?

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I had plans to play longer and hang out with people, but the power shut off for a few hours due to a storm. I eventually decide to quit a bit early. It was a nice short day today, but I still had fun! With the island being unlocked tomorrow, though, I'm sure tomorrow will be a longgg day for me. Thanks for reading, and I'll see you tomorrow! :)


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