Day 433 - Busy with Badges!


Senior Member
Jul 9, 2013
Winter Mittens

Day 433

Hello, everyone, and welcome to day 433 of my daily adventures in Shizen! Today I emerged from my house to discover that Marshal had sent me a letter in the mail. Along with it came a blue tartan shirt.

I got dressed, grabbed some coffee, and worked with Brewster as usual. Afterwards, I was pinged by Lobo. He was hungry for a bit of fruit, so I took a perfect apple over to him and received a washer/dryer. Hopefully, he didn't need that to wash his clothes!

Just like yesterday, Kitty had a delivery for Shari, so I agreed to hand it over. When Shari had the gift in her hands, she realized that it was actually a present meant for me! Inside was a bucket, which I could see useful but didn't need in my house at the moment.

Katrina was visiting town as well today. Athough I'd already read my fortune through the lovely phone, I decided to stop by anyways.

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I fossil hunted, shopped, watered my flowers, and was just about to save when I spotted Phineas lingering around Kitty's house. He had one badge for me: the Expert Shopper Badge! I've become a bit of a busy shopper in the past few days, so this wasn't much of a surprise. I was extremely excited to be closer to obtaining every badge, however.

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Please ignore that patch of dirt there, haha! When school comes around, it'll grow back without me being there to wear it down every day.

Keep watch for future posts. :)

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@KawaiiX3: Thank you! :)

@Trunity: Are you a new member? I believe that you have to have at least 8 posts (replies on threads) before you can make your own Blog here.

If not, then when you're at The Blog Tree page, in the right hand corner there's a button that says "+Create New Post." Just click that and you can start writing.

I hope that I helped!