Did anybody else go to daycare as a child? I was at a daycare in the adult high school while my mom went back to finish, starting when I was 2 and a half. I stayed there until I went to Junior Kindergarten at age four, then I went to another daycare before and after school. Both of these places were really good and I have fond memories.
The place I went to for after school care in grades one to five was a different story. The daycare workers thought I was spoiled for wanting a blue cup and stopped letting me have them, even though the other children could. I was not allowed to be called by any nicknames by anybody, or sign cards with them. I ended up not being allowed to sign cards period.
I was the only child who had to have perfect behaviour to be allowed to bring my DS on Gameboy Fridays. If I misbehaved once, I couldn't participate. No other child had to follow this.
Speaking of the DS, Gameboy Fridays suddenly ended, but the workers purposely didn't tell me. I brought mine and played it, and they threatened to take it and keep it.
They were out of ratio a lot and the owner constantly tried to get the director to over enroll. In addition, he wouldn't provide money to buy toys or art supplies.
I'll come up with more stories later, for sure. That place wasn't good.
The place I went to for after school care in grades one to five was a different story. The daycare workers thought I was spoiled for wanting a blue cup and stopped letting me have them, even though the other children could. I was not allowed to be called by any nicknames by anybody, or sign cards with them. I ended up not being allowed to sign cards period.
I was the only child who had to have perfect behaviour to be allowed to bring my DS on Gameboy Fridays. If I misbehaved once, I couldn't participate. No other child had to follow this.
Speaking of the DS, Gameboy Fridays suddenly ended, but the workers purposely didn't tell me. I brought mine and played it, and they threatened to take it and keep it.
They were out of ratio a lot and the owner constantly tried to get the director to over enroll. In addition, he wouldn't provide money to buy toys or art supplies.
I'll come up with more stories later, for sure. That place wasn't good.
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