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Days 406 & 407 - Causes for Celebration


Beth from Storrs
Feb 19, 2015
Throwback Tickets
Classic Easter Egg
Greetings again from Storrs! I didn't post yesterday because I didn't want to early in the day when I actually played, and by the time I thought of it again it was late and I was too tired. Anyhow, not much happened yesterday, so it's all the better that I just merge it into today's post. So without further ado, let's dive into the happenings of my town.

Yesterday was bright and sunny. I ran into Colton and he made clear that he's an enthusiast, not a geek, and that I shouldn't ever confuse the two. Fang wanted me to catch a mantis for him, but I never did come across one. Deirdre pinged and I was most hopeful for a PWP suggestion, but she only wanted to move. I told her she was staying put. Felicity told me that Fang had left something over at her house and I agreed to return it to him. It ended up being clothing, but he clarified the reason so I wasn't suspicious. He rewarded me with an Arched Window. Lolly asked if I would invite her over to my house but she wanted to set a time, so I had to decline. Redd was set up in town, and I tried to distinguish the legitimate piece -- which I thought was the Gallant Statue. I was quite excited to finally find the real naked-guy statue and was eager to submit it to the museum the next day. I took Whitney her daily dose of medicine and that left just one more for her to be fully recovered. Also I noticed she'd gotten the Classic Bed I sent her and put it in place of her fossil, and it looks perfect there.

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Now onto today. It was rainy when I got started this morning, which I was happy to see. I donned my raincoat and hat, made sure I had my umbrella, and set off to conquer the day. I had my letter from Redd with the Gallant Statue enclosed, and I stashed that away to drop off when I had my fossils assessed later.

Colton was home, and I got to see the inside of his house out of boxes for the first time! I must say, he's quite the classy horse.

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He asked me to help him gather signatures for his petition, Make Cheese, Not Traps. Being a horse, I wondered what did he care about that, but agreed to help him nevertheless. Since I'm trying my hardest to win Colton's heart, I will not let him down.

Also, yesterday I just decided to put my pathway back the way it was and just route it around the sides of Colton's house, like I did with Felicity's when she moved on top of it. And actually, I think this looks best.

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Moving on, I found Fang out in front of the station and he came running over to me. He asked me to get him a fruit, but not just any fruit. He was craving a juicy cherry, so I ran the little way's back to the cherry tree in the row of the town's orchard. I took it back to him and he rewarded me with a Plaza Tile, which was a new addition to my catalog.

Buck was out in front of his house today and he told me all about runner's high. It sounded more like he was dying, actually, but if it helped him run, who am I to judge. He also told me that he'd been reading too far into Colton hanging out with Whitney. I had to agree, considering Whitney has been sick the entire time since Colton got here. Although Colton DID inform me that Whitney had caught a cold yesterday...but I still think Buck had acquired some inaccurate information.

Next door from Buck's, Chief was home. I stopped in to say hello to my favorite wolf, and he told me that Fang had come by to visit him and said that he could decorate better. Obviously he asked me to help him out, and obviously I agreed to do so. I also checked his Robo-Dresser, in which I found a Toilet that Chief offered to let me have. I took it just because I didn't believe anyone needed to have a toilet if they weren't using it. Regardless, it was a very awkward conversation to have.

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Not exactly something to celebrate about, either...

Carrying on, I found Deirdre out behind her house. Seems like everyone was staying close to home today. I walked to where she could see me, in hopes she would ping. She did indeed, but it still wasn't for a PWP. She said that she and Becky were planning a get-together this spring, and asked me where I thought they should have it. I suggested the river, just because that sounded nice. Deirdre seemed to agree, and said they were going to have a fruit punch seminar, but had no idea what that entailed. Neither did I.

Nearby, I caught a flea off of Lolly and she told me she had a delivery for Chief go to her house. Since I knew Chief was home, I took on off towards his house to hand it over to him. He was surprised the delivery had gone to the wrong place, for some reason. Turns out, he had ordered it as a present for me! I opened it right there, and discovered that it was a Minimalist Lamp.
Resuming my walk I found Lolly where I left her, told her the delivery was a success, and took a picture of us and our matching umbrellas.

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Outside of Re-Tail, Buck came running up to me. He suggested a new nickname for me: Beefcake. Buck, we've tried this before and it did NOT catch on. I told him that everyone in town is calling me Bethers now, and he said he would definitely start calling me that from now on.

At Main Street, I had my fossils assessed and forgot all about my new statue, so later on I returned to have Blathers check it out as well. I was very heart broken when he told me it was a fake. It looked so much like the picture of the real version I had! Oh well. I guess my museum is going to have to wait a little while longer for the naked guy piece.

After I'd done my shopping at T&T (and ordered a Robo-Lamp for Chief's room), the rain had stopped so I removed my hat and put away my umbrella. I took Whitney her final dose of medicine, and she was looking much much better.

I took a few minutes to look around Lily's house, since I want to resume my progress on the Red Queen's Castle. I made a mental note of some things I could order and a few DLC items I thought might be cool to get. Thinking of that, I realized that I'd gotten like 50-some play coins somehow! Do you pick those up with Streetpass when you walk past certain things? Because that might explain it. Anyway, I returned to T&T to buy a couple fortune cookies and ended up with fortunes 28 and 39.

#28 said: "Cannons are much like toasters, though bread is bad for cannons."
So profound. I guessed my prize for that one would be the bullet bill cannon, and I was right. Tommy gave me a Bill Blaster for the lucky ticket.

Fortune #39 read: "Sometimes a seemingly bad instance can become a great opportunity."
This wrought me a S.S. Dolphin, which I already had one of. Either way, these should make great trade items.

On my way back to town, I ran into Becky and she came running up to me.
At long last, she is ready to move!!!
I told her immediately that I thought she should go, and she didn't turn back. She is getting out of Storrs (and my hair) on the 24th!
Forget getting Chief's toilet, this is a much, much better cause for celebration.



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Tex made the same petition a while ago. Maybe it's catching on with the smug villagers? ;)

Congratulations on Becky's move! Who would you like to have come in?
Haha, it must be. And I don't have anyone particular in mind. I'd like another wolf, of course, but I can't shell out the tbt right now. I'm welcome to the surprise. x)
The classic bed in Whitney's house looks very nice! And Colton's house is nothing short of stunning.

The smug villagers do like to make petitions. Eugene had one about Accessorizing the Town a while back. Isn't that what PWPs are for? :p

And congrats on getting Becky to move! Hopefully your next villager is MUCH better than her!