Days 5, 6, and 7- No internet, No problems

Jordan Marek

Nature Lover
Feb 28, 2016
Throwback Tickets
Hello everyone, sorry I haven't blogged in the past three days but my internet shut off and I didn't have the money to pay it until today! I will be blogging all three days in one post. The majority of this blog will focus on Day 5, as Days 6 and 7 I didn't do much (in order to not have to make multiple blogs explaining what I did). I hope you all understand, and thanks! :)

I start my day out like any other day- I check the mail. I received a letter from my Mom! It's Mother's Day, and she sends me a carnation. Thanks! As I go to plant it, I notice a pink rose as well. Awesome! :D Look at the before and after pictures. :]

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The more hybrids that grow, the happier I get! The good news is that the rain will water all my flowers for me, which will lead to more hybrids. Thanks, mother nature (see what I did there? Mother nature on Mother's Day? I know, I'm hilarious :cool: ). I still run my paths, as usual.

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I begin to start my errands for the day. I begin talking to most of my villagers, but none have any tasks for me. I stop by the bulletin board to read that Curlos moved in our town on his birthday! Happy birthday, Curlos!

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I'll make plans to go over to his house later. But for now, I check out the sapling I planted almost a week ago. It's growing bigger! :)

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Sterling decides to challenge me to a game of hide-and-seek. It's on Sterling!

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...5 minutes later, and I find all the hiders. They aren't the most skilled hiders in the world, but I had fun! I decide to go down to Curlos' house and welcome him to our town. On my way, I notice a new villager moving in.

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I hope you will enjoy our town, Peggy! I stop by and tell Curlos hello. Sadly, he is not having a birthday party right now. He is to busy unpacking :(

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After shopping and donating a few items, I officially finish all my chores. I decide to go the island for a bit. I meet Kapp'n, the greatest sailor there ever was!

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As we head out to the island, he sings me an amazing song. I wish I could show the screenshot, but sadly I had to make other pictures a priority :( As soon as I get to the island, I begin fishing and catching bugs. Look at this beautiful bug!

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At this point, I learn that my internet was shut off. I decided to call it a day there, as I knew that this blog might be a couple of days long in one post. The next day I go outside and do all my regular chores. I received no mail, and nothing new really happened. I did find a new hybrid, though!

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After finishing a few tasks for my villagers, I quit playing until night. I decide to catch some night bugs so I at least have money for when I can upgrade my house on Day 8 or 9.

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The next day I walk outside. Still no mail? That's odd. :confused: I realize that I forgot to water my flowers yesterday! I quickly water them all, as one of my hybrids was dying.

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I also meet Peggy, as I forgot to do so yesterday. I was trying to complete so much in a little amount of time yesterday that I actually ended up forgetting to do so much! I decided to fix some of the damage.

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After a long few hours of running paths, completing tasks, and donating fossils I finally decide to call it a day. Before I go home, I am completely surprised by something... Sterling has called a rematch against me in hide-and-seek. :eek: I have a much harder time finding them all this time. He must have put on his A game! I eventually win again, which angers him (but amuses me).

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I call it quits and prepare for tomorrow (which is today). I will post another blog tonight, so I won't see you tomorrow but rather later. Again, I'm sorry for squeezing three-days worth of material into one post, but it was much easier to do that rather than to make three separate blogs! Thanks for reading, anyways. It's always appreciated :]


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