Days 540 - 542 - October Fun


Beth from Storrs
Feb 19, 2015
Classic Easter Egg
Hello again from Storrs! I haven't posted over the past couple of days because, well, next to nothing has happened. But, as you probably know, today is the first of October and, as such, the daily routine might start being a little different! More on that later. For now, here's what's happened since I last put up a blog.

Day 540

Tuesday, Whitney wanted a fruit and since we were right by her house, I grabbed a durian that was lying on the ground beside one of her trees. She enjoyed it and thanked me with a Natty Shirt. It reminded me of Lolly. ): Melba wanted the Tea Table I was carrying, and since she offered me her Minimalist Vanity in exchange for it, I jumped on her offer. I will be saving the vanity to give to her at some later time.

Day 541

Colton pinged me yesterday and suggested that we build a Totem Pole in town. I wasn't interested, but I very much appreciated the eager spirit. SOMEONE (coughDeirdrecough) should take a hint. :rolleyes:

I stopped in to visit Chief and woke him up for the morning. Then he asked me for a pear, since he hadn't eaten yet. I took him one and got a Tall Lantern in return. Felicity was also at home and asked me to bury a time capsule for her. The idea all stemmed from a piece of rather encouraging advice she said Buck gave to her.

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I agreed to help her out and buried it just across the river, since there weren't any empty spaces around her house. I think I can remember it belongs to her whenever I find it next.

I ran into Melba in Re-Tail later and got her to buy the Minimalist Lamp I had up, waiting to give to her. I think I may be bombarding her with the minimalist items. x) Might have to send her a modern wood item soon, so we can try to get that balance back to her house.

Day 542

Today is the first day of October! And as such, I got my obligatory letter from the post office informing me of the interest added to my account. Also, what did I mean by the daily routine shaking up a little bit? Well, I ran into a certain spooky foreigner today!

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He was a bit early, I thought, but I had to admire his dedication. I excitedly agreed to be his loyal minion this Halloween, and he told me all about being sure to stock up with masks and candy. So masks would start showing up in the Abel Sisters this month! Now I don't celebrate Halloween, but in the spirit of the event, I like to participate. This year, I might try some costumes throughout the week or so leading up to the 31st. Should be a fun twist to my blog. :D

That aside, my daily patrol went on as normal. Colton asked me for a new piece of furniture, but his house is perfect, and I didn't find anything later that wouldn't mess it up. Chief asked me if I wanted to come over for a visit, and we set a time for one o'clock. Melba pinged me and told me that she wanted to move, and she hasn't even been in town very long! I hadn't given much thought to whether I want her as a permanent villager or not, and I'd already gotten her picture, but I'm really enjoying her company, so I decided to talk her into staying.

After that, Fang asked if he could come over to my house later. I set a time with him for 1:10, which should have given me just enough time to hang out with Chief first. With that, my patrol was finished so I headed to the museum to show my fossils to Blathers, then went to sell them to Reese. While checking out T&T's stock for the day, I found the first spooky item for sale of the season.

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I bought all of the items last year (except for the bookcase, I think), but I think I'll try to get them all again this year. After all, they're great to sell after the month is over.

A little while later, one o'clock rolled around and it was time to visit Chief. We chatted for a while, and he had a lot to say about his books, which I didn't expect to be the topic of conversation.

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My villagers never cease to surprise me. :blush:

Ten minutes later, Fang arrived back at my place. Unfortunately, I was in the middle of eating lunch and didn't get to talk to him much, so he didn't stay long. I hope he still had a good time, though. I'll have to apologize for being such a lousy host. :p

I didn't figure I had anything else to do and called it a day. Gah, this post was awfully sporadic and wordy. I'm sorry. D: Hopefully October brings a lot of good things to talk about!



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There's a book about Storrs?! You should make it mandatory for all of your villagers to read it! :p
I completely forgot about Jack! I'm excited to be able to see him again this year. Unfortunately, I'm not sure if I can celebrate due to an event that my sisters have on Halloween. Apparently, they have some sort of band competition then! :(

Anyways, October means that I'll have more to look forward to about the happenings of Storrs. I wonder if I could buy that book? ;)