Decorated Cedars Question


Mayor of Mapleton, now Island Rep. of Oldenbell
Mar 18, 2020
Do they change which ones are decorated daily or just picked at the start of the season?
I am pretty sure they don't change from day to day, as long as you don't dig them up. If you try to move them the lights disappear off them.
I time traveled quite a bit this month. There were three times I traveled from the first to the 15th. The trees that light up will change locations each time I time traveled to the 15th. For example, my lighted trees by my house only have two lit trees, but had 4 the previous time. I'm a bit disappointed because I like the location of lit trees better the second time around. I don't plan to time travel anymore this month, so I will just have to deal with where they are.
im pretty sure they are set at the start of the season and don't change, unless you TT backwards to restart the season.
I had a similar question D; but i guess the answer is the decorations are set... it's kinda unfair because I've been in the process of terraforming and i just randomly planted them in the front of my island cuz i need a place to put em and now i'm sad cuz i can't move them back to where they should be ;/
Im pretty sure they change up I had some trees next to my house all lit then when I ttd to a few days forward it had changed to different trees on my island.