Welcome to my lil gardening shop, I sell mostly hybrids, and maybe a couple other things in the future~
A couple things:
This is my first shop, so please be patient with me~
I'm free most weekdays, and sometimes on the weekends.
For now, max order will be 15, this will probably go up as I get used to this.
If I don't have the quantity of what you'd like, dont worry! I breed whatever you order too!
This is a TBT&IGB shop for now, although TBT is preferred.
I'm currently building up my flower variation, so bear with me! Bushes and other things will be coming soon too!
Each flower is 2TBT each
Purple x5 Pink
Blue Black
Black Orange
Pink x5
Black x8
Orange x8
Purple x7
Blue x8
Orange x4
Other (Everything is 3TBT!)
Lucky Clovers x10
Skinny Mushroom x15
Famous Mushroom x15
Order Form:
Mayor name:
Town name:
1. lj4702 - 15 Orange tulips
2. Alicia - 10 Black roses
3. baileyanne94 - 10 Pink roses, 10 Orange roses
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