Hopper is my co-pilot
Ok, so in all iterations of this game I have always kept at least two playable characters so I made a second one early on just out of habit, but then after playing a few days I realized I wasn't gonna use him at all and decided to just scrap the idea. The trouble is, in my haste to remove it I deleted the switch profile that hosted him before deleting him from my island, I didn't think it would be a huge deal as it says it wipes all save data from games the account has played, but a few days later and the tent just won't disappear from my island. I don't want to have to reset over this, but am getting a little annoyed having a useless tent sitting on my beach that I can't even move and I can't seem to figure out where to go to have it demolished. Does anyone happen to have any ideas? I'm really hoping that its something stupid I'm just not looking in the right place. Any help would be greatly appreciated!