I have at least one of each personality so that I can get all of the reactions, and with that what I did was go to the personality pages and just scroll through the lists and found the ones that I thought looked the cutest. So at the moment I have a good variety of dialogue. However, I will be swapping out at least 4 of my villagers after I've gotten their reactions because 90% of my top 20 villagers are normal (idk they just have better designs).
But in the end, I play this game for aesthetics. And I think a lot of other people also play this game for aesthetics. So I am not surprised people want the villagers that look more appealing.
I stick to having a variety of personality types on my island, just because dialogue can get repetitive if you have multiple of the same personality. Though I do also pick based on looks. Mainly because I know all smugs for instance have the same dialogue so I'm going to go for the one I think looks nicer.
I mean I am both; I pick villagers depending on the personality I want first, and only then do I go for looks. But it's not a problem if certain people go for looks. The tier lists have been pretty much the same since NL, aside from the characters, so I don't think NH is the reason for this. If people like a villager because of their personality, that's cool. If they like them because they look cute or cool, that's great too. We all have our preferences, after all
That have always been the case though, only meaningful difference between villagers is style, otherwise they're identical to the other villagers within their personality.
Personally I make sure to have at least one of each personality.
And yeah the dialogue in this game is the worst in the series yet, but to give them some credit they at least created two subtypes for each personality with ever so slight differences.
I want to have one of each personality, but I also pick them based on their house. I don’t like villagers that have outdoor themed interiors. I prefer when their house looks like an indoor room. I made an exception for Deirdre though because she is one of the only sisterly villagers I like. But otherwise all of my permanent villagers should have the right type of house
I want to have one of each personality, but I also pick them based on their house. I don’t like villagers that have outdoor themed interiors. I prefer when their house looks like an indoor room. I made an exception for Deirdre though because she is one of the only sisterly villagers I like. But otherwise all of my permanent villagers should have the right type of house
I like how you think it's a fact that all islanders speak the same on NH.
And yes, many many people do that. Not only on NH, but always. Just look at all the tier lists, and the "popular" villagers around the games. That's why some species are widely disliked like the gorillas- it's not because of their personalities, but rather their looks. The unpopular villagers are always filled with animals that don't fit some kind of... "cute" or something aesthetic as well. But I don't think that's bad as a whole, I mean, everyone can pick whatever they value the most. And not all people who choose looks first have the same kind of taste/preference than others, so even then you can get variety.
When I started my island I only knew I wanted to have no repeated animal and personality (well 2 obligatory repeats there). I tried to go for a nice mix of species (mammal, bird, etc.) and when looking at the lists of animals I found that I usually liked the design of "unpopular" species, so I reduced my options to just some species but I still had like a lot of option from each personality and species and was willing to meet and love anyone. At the end I fulfilled my goal and got an interesting cast that have grown on me (and also my mother haha) so much, that I decided to stay with them forever- I originally wanted to get as many photos as possible by rotating islanders but welp. The lil' rascals are too adorable and are permanent residents <3
Looks is important in a game where there's only a limit amount of personalities and 300+ villager designs. The way a villager looks also gives them more personality than just the way they talk, if that makes sense. Like compare the design for Rasher to Monty, both are cranky, but Monty looks way more friendly than Rasher does and that may make the player imagine them to act a bit differently from each other. That's how I see it at least and the reason I can have multiple smugs despite the similar dialogue.
It's really a combination of both looks and personality.
Since dialogue is personality-linked, the only real variable factor is looks. So it's important. It does not, however, mean that I will like a villager and keep them on my island just because I like their appearance. If their personality isn't something I like, then it's unlikely I will keep them on my island just for their looks. For instance, I don't like the normal personality in NH. (Loved it in WW and NL.) So I had a hard time with Coco even though I think she looks cool and I wanted to see her all the time. The normal personality feels so bland to me. I've had her and other cute normal animals leave my island. It got so that I thought I would simply give up on having a normal resident at all. Then Lolly happened. How is she different from the other normal villagers? She's not. But she looks and acts like she fits the normal personality perfectly. And yes, she's cute! I have no idea why but she seems to have more varied dialogue than all the other normals I've encountered. Does that even make sense? All I know is, I've no plans to let her leave.
I want to say that looks are important because of facial expressions. Because eyes and mouths are shaped differently, tails move differently, etc, every animal seems unique. But I find some to be more expressive than others. Marshal, for instance. His default sulky expression gives way to so many other expressions as he talks! They are fleeting and dramatic, sure, in part due to his smug personality, but that just adds to his charm. AND THAT TAIL. IT SWISHES. IT BOBS. IT'S MESMERIZING.
Oops. I get ridiculously excited when I talk about Marshal. Sorry.
So I can't take part in your poll because I can't choose looks or personality. It's both.
Look at it this way: If AC had two versions. In one, all the animals are squares with personality types. In the other, all the animals are unique looking animals with no personality types. Which would you choose to play, or not at all?
It is both, i pick ones with designs i like but i also make sure that the two repeated personality types are ones i like, which means no more than two lazy villagers on my island no matter how cute some of their designs are
I think it is good that we have many villagers for each personality type since it still adds more options in the end. It is why there are people who are asking for more uchi villagers even if they talk the same way. I would not mind more personality types though.
I’m not quite sure whether there is something more going on in this poll/ question, since it seems like a very low stakes question, posed in a very confrontational and charged way. And also - If all the villagers are the same and personality doesn’t matter then how does one choose them by anything but looks, making this a trick question?
like everyone else is saying, it’s both, but I also don’t think basing it 100% on looks is in anyway problematic.
As @RollingAntony mentions, the question of how we feel about the dialogue in the game is not fact but a matter of opinion.Additionally, no matter whether previous games may have had more dialogue or more interesting or varied dialogue, at no time were villagers in the game coded with individualized dialogue. There are hundreds of villagers and they are simply not now, nor have they ever been individualized in terms of personality and dialogue options.
which means that at least to some extent it is always going to come down to looks, because there are so many with the same personality to choose from.
even if you only like one personality, at some point unless you let your island fill up entirely at random you make a choice based on appearance, on what appeals to you. And there is nothing wrong with that.
and it is not only people who like popular villagers who choose based on looks.
for me - I love tabby, she is my favorite villager. I also like the peppy personality a lot, though I thought I wouldn’t. Their optimistic enthusiasm appeals to a part of me I am trying to express more in my life. And they just plain make me happy. But I 100% also love Tabby for her looks. I find her adorable and I like looking at her on my island. I don’t think my enthusiasm for Tabby is any different than that enthusiasm of a dedicated Raymond fan who likes to dress him up and exchange silly greetings with him.
i have also found villagers who I did not think I would like as much initially, who I ended up loving or at least liking a lot. And this too is not purely personality or looks. Lionel was my forced camper but I came to appreciate him and like him well enough. The lions look very cuddly, and I gave him clothes I liked better than his original. Only the smug dialogue seemed too flirty and I didn’t really like it. I thought maybe I just did not like smugs much and I let Lionel go in time. Then I found Graham. And yeah, I chose graham initially because I find him flat out adorable; I was island hopping on mystery islands and he was there and cute. But I also found that on him the same lines of dialogue did not seem flirty or creepy, just cute and sweet and silly. Lionel and Graham are the same personality, same subtype. But the way they emote and the way I react to their appearance and animation is different so I do form a preference that is not based purely on looks. The two are inextricable.
even if you only like one personality, at some point unless you let your island fill up entirely at random you make a choice based on/ influence by appearance. And i don’t see an issue with that.
both, but looks does play a large roll. However there are villagers that I think look great that I just don't like because I don't like something about how their personality comes off. But the same personality on a different villager I may like.
I mean I think it could be argued that given the dialogue is pretty much the same across the board, most of the individual "personality", if you like, of the villagers is expressed through their designs. Villagers have always been popular for their cuteness/aesthetics and that is just fine. They are digital characters so it doesn't really matter how people decide to pick them. I definitely feel the pain with the lack of personality put into the dialogue, which is why I mostly go off of aesthetics.