
Honestly the only time I've consider restarting is if the layout was absolutely something I couldn't live without. Otherwise the thought just seems to much to me. :3 I put so much work into my first Island too that the idea of restarting kind of hurts my heart lol
I sometimes get a little bored with my island and want to try something different... but starting over is too extreme (too many diys, titles, the museum, going through the tutorial again, rebuilding all my homes, etc)... on the other hand flattening everything at once is a lot of work.

I think what's best for me is redoing chunks at a time... one corner or one visible area at a time until I'm happy with it. I've been redoing some areas completely and others just changing small things. I kind of wish there was a way to turn off auto save so that if I destroy an area and what I build doesn't turn out how I like, I could go back... a lot of times what I picture in my mind doesn't translate to realty. But at the same time, potentially losing hours of progress because I didn't save could be worse. 😅
I wouldn't do either, but tbh if I changed up my island I'd just redo it. Specifically flattening may be too much for some people, I know I can't deal with blank slates at all.
I could never do either of them. I love my island too much.

However I have a second switch I can play with if I ever get the urge to do stuff like that. Fortunately the lack of time I put on to my second island is enough to tell me restarting my game would be a horrible idea.
I sometimes get a little bored with my island and want to try something different... but starting over is too extreme (too many diys, titles, the museum, going through the tutorial again, rebuilding all my homes, etc)... on the other hand flattening everything at once is a lot of work.

I think what's best for me is redoing chunks at a time... one corner or one visible area at a time until I'm happy with it. I've been redoing some areas completely and others just changing small things. I kind of wish there was a way to turn off auto save so that if I destroy an area and what I build doesn't turn out how I like, I could go back... a lot of times what I picture in my mind doesn't translate to realty. But at the same time, potentially losing hours of progress because I didn't save could be worse. 😅
Thank goodness we have autosave to prevent that from happening whenever we make changes to our islands.
Coming soon: I will be creating a new topic thread, a Dream Address, on my island (which I began 03.20.2020). I had delayed it because I wasn’t sure it was ready.

I mention that because I did not know what to do with my main island for close to three months. I was in June when I realized what to do.

My main island is a keeper.

I have a second island. I created an island; called it good enough; and transferred items over to my main island just before having deleted it. Then I came up with a replacement. I made that, too, temporary. Not I am on a third. And it is a keeper, for now, because it has a theme. I am newly creating and building it (which includes which villagers to have residing there).

Unlike “Animal Crossing: New Leaf,” I can’t loosely take on one followed by the next [islands] with “Animal Crossing: New Horizons” because it is cost-prohibitive. But, even if I do buy another game console and the game itself, Island No. 1 remains. Anything more—and I decide as the time passes. (It is likely I would not go beyond three. I would like to keep the limit at two.)

It is very understandable that, for people who will have no more than one island, they can struggle between retaining the first with its current appearance or with restructuring it. The game encourages creativity. I just wish it was more user-friendly with respect for costs.