I would go back and be with my mom when she died. I didn't know it would be the last time I see her the night I called the ambulance for her. She had cancer and there were many times I have had to call an ambulance for her before that, most of the time I would go with her. I didn't know it was the last time until a doctor called me and told me she passed away.
i think I’d redo how i handled school; i waffled over reselecting a major for so long that i ended up needing a fifth year at a four year college, which both put me a year behind all my friends and threw me a ton of extra fees if i could go back and adjust things so that i picked up my current major my 2nd year instead of waiting til my 4th to make it official, i would.
(at the same time, i can’t help but worry about the butterfly effect — if I changed that, would it change any of the situations that led to me meeting the friends I have now or something like that)
i honestly have so much that i would change if i could. i would give anything to go back and change the behaviours that i exhibited for so long; i was angry, destructive, a liar and quite frankly, a bully for most of my childhood and i could make excuses for myself but no matter what my household was like or how young i was, i’ll forever be ashamed of my unkindness. like you, i’d also go back and take better care of my teeth if i could. no implants yet but my teeth are in horrible shape and no amount of brushing or flossing can undo the damage that i’ve done. i wish i could go back and take better care of myself in general.
When I was younger, I made many mistakes and bad decisions, but I believe I made them because I was simply being myself. I would not go back and fix any of them. I accept that I have one life to live and, whatever happened, happened. I lived, and will continue to live, with the consequences of my actions. I think that's fair. I like to think that I've learned from my experiences, good and bad. I have absolutely no desire to relive any of it, good or bad.
My fiancé and I sold our house last year in May and then house prices skyrocketed after and now we could’ve sold that same house for at least $60k more so if I could go back in time I would’ve definitely waited another year to sell our house. If we had that extra money we could’ve used it all to buy another house
I would go back to October 2020 on the day I made that stupid thread that gave me my first warning on this site. I would just slap myself and tell him "Listen don't post that, you're going to get a lot of hate when you do that!" Sometimes I feel like I'm my own worst enemy.
Omg, yesss. Not my fault (well, maybe I should have had better follow up) but I told the FA handing my investments portfolio that I wanted to look ino buying Etsy stock in 2018. She actually didn't do anything I asked her, ever. But yeah, my butt is thoroughly and permanently chapped over that.
It would probably be to... not believe everything you hear Even though still to this day I believe everything! My friends would always say I am so gullible! I always listen!!! I remember once in Computer class for school we were doing a thing about misinformation and on our screens we were shown this exact picture and she said for us to take turns and give our thoughts.... I ASKED HOW DO YOU DO THAT LOL everyone was telling me it was fake so I really need to understand that some things that are too cool are not true! I have been learning a TON about plants because I think they are so fun! Now I know alot of facts about them!!!
I’d tell my 14 year old self to be more confident. I was extremely insecure as a teenager because of the comments people would make. For years I internalized all of the “unattractive” and “ugly” comments I got. I also took all of those rude hand gestures from my classmates and blame myself for them. My confidence is better now, but there’s still that little voice in the back of my head that says I’m ugly and that everyone hates me. If I had someone other than my parents to encourage me I think I would’ve been a happier person.
I don’t think I would do that. I’ve never made any really big mistakes, at least I can’t think of any now. I’ve made tons of small ones, but it’s all good now, and I’ve learned from them, so why fix them?
Originally I was going to post about not taking a job offered to me. It was more of a training program for a government position. People often bring up that I missed out and that I lost a lifetime opportunity...but would I really be happy with that? The job was just a miserable experience and people would often say I should've just done it for money.
But I can't see me being cramped in a cubicle. I'd probably say experiencing more things during my childhood. Had a very demanding dad where I was often working in some way or form. I remember one instance I had a friend over and he just decided to put me to work the entire time. It took me a while to kick away from his brainwashing.
@Mr_Keroppi You must water the lemon tree with water diluted with paint. Food coloring works for a substitute if you don't have water-based paints