I prefer collection villager photos. You can change the color of the frame, for those that don’t know. You just have to customize it. I like how it shows high friendship with the villager. It’s a symbol of your friendship.
Photos hands down.
To get their photo is an achievement showing you put in effort.
A poster just shows you went to harvs island.
I have nothing against posters and I have a few posters up in my house. But yeah, a photo is both proof of friendship and an achievement so means a lot more than a poster does.
Villager photos, 100%!! They feel a lot more personal, and as others on this thread have stated are representative of both friendship and achievement. Although earning them can be viewed as a somewhat arduous task, I quite enjoy working towards acquiring the photos - developing friendships and watching how the villagers interact to your gifts, etc. is highly enjoyable; not to mention, the feeling of satisfaction when you finally receive their photo is unmatched!
With that being said, I do also love the posters and have fun incorporating them into different interior designs, which is accessible due to the ease of acquiring them. Overall, I like that both posters and photos are an option within the game due to the higher number of items you can earn that relate to your favourite villagers.
I enjoy the photos more than the posters. The photos are more tasteful and easy to display imo. Plus I can't be bothered to go to Harv's and summon someone to do a photoshoot every time one wants to leave.
I prefer the photos over the posters because they are harder to get. They feel more meaningful when you get them from your villagers. Especially in older games when your villagers can leave at any time they felt like.
Edit: and you get little facts about your villager right on the photo including their quote. It is so cute!
I've honestly never really cared particularly much about the villager photos. I don't generally have a use for them most of the time, though I did come up with an idea for a room in one of my player character's houses in New Horizons where I will actually display some. In New Leaf and up until recently in New Horizons, villager photos kind of just stayed in storage. It's kind of neat that they're able to be interacted with, but yeah, I dunno, they just don't really strike me as something I want to display most of the time.
I don't really use the villager posters very often either, but I do like them more.
I'll vote for Both in the poll, but I'm not seriously invested in either. I'm collecting some photos for that room I mentioned before, and I figure I might as well access all of the posters I can just because why not, but it's not like I'm going to go out and buy them from shops here or bother to collect all of the amiibo just for that purpose or anything.
I choose both of them. I like to have a few posters to my house for decoration, and photos are keepsakes and memorable to have. I put my villager photos outside for display.
I rarely use Harv's studio and I've never really felt the appeal of posters personally. I like the pictures more because you have to work through the friendship to get them, and so you feel more like you've earned it once you get it. it's also a sweet reminder of who you've had on your island
I like the photos more, for pretty much the same reason as everyone here. They kinda have like tiers of how much that villager loves you, since I had three photos of Marshal on my old island,
It's kinda like a feel good achievement, esspecially if it's a villager your very fond of.
But I do slso like the posters, I usually have my lineup on the wall, and slowly change the posters to the photos as I get them. But in general I'm a fan of both
I prefer the villager photos, agreeing with what others have said about them been more meaningful. I enjoy the fact you have to work hard to obtain the photo and the sense of achievement when it’s gifted, plus I like that it demonstrates high friendship with the villager.
While I don’t really collect or use the posters I do think they are a good idea though and like that they’re very easy to collect by visiting Harv’s island so there is always a quick way to get a villager memento for players who don’t enjoy the task of collecting photos.
If I'm honest I think I prefer the posters just because I'm lazy! It's way less time consuming just to go to Harvs and then order through the app. I like having a little memento of every villager I've had and sometimes waiting for a photo isn't feasible, especially if you cycle through a lot of villagers. In my basement room I wallpapered the wall you can't see unless you change the angle to have every villager I currently have on one side, and the ones I've let go of on the other. I think it's a nice tribute but it does kind of take up a lot of room.
I think the photos are cuter to display, though. I think I prefer the look of photos (especially since they're small and you can customize the frames) but the ease of getting the posters.
Photos for sure. With little left to do on my island, it's a fun mini-game. The posters came in handy when decorating my little kids room, but kinda useless to me otherwise.
I prefer photo . I love to collect my all villagers photos personally. I always give them gift wrapping with non
Native fruits and once I got the photo from them I stopped giving them a gift. Still I got the photo second time from Diana when I played a game with her she is so cute
I prefer the framed photos! It feels more rewarding to get since they're more difficult to come by. Also they're the perfect size, have the villagers quote on them, and the frame is customizable :]
The posters on the other hand are available from the get-go once a villager moves in, so not as special and harder to decorate with imo.
I love the photos as they are personal and an achievement. Always a highlight when you are given one I have photos displayed in my house (don’t have many yet ) as they are special. Posters I don’t use or particularly think about. I kept forgetting to go to Harvs before some villagers left
Whenever a new villager moves onto the island, the first thing I do is fly to Harv's island so I don't forget to add their poster to my catalogue! Ultimately though, no one moves out till I have their picture—it's a wonderful way to remember them by. Plus, they take up less space to display, which I like!
I like both! I agree that the villager photos are more meaningful to collect (and you can’t catalogue posters anymore anyways) and you can put them on the wall, on the ground or on furniture, while you can only hang up the posters on walls. While the photos mean more to me, I still like using the posters (would love to get the rest of the amiibo cards I’m missing and the villagers without cards so I can order them all myself).