Shop Delishush's Deluxe Decorating Service!


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Aug 20, 2015
Tasty Cake
Tasty Cake
Tasty Cake
Chocolate Cake
100% (50) +
View attachment 144157WELCOME TO DELISHUSH'S DELUXE CATERING SERVICE!View attachment 144157

Delishus's Deluxe Catering Service can do any town-based or home-based decorating job you need! From flower-planting to path-laying and even making rooms for you, I can do it!

Here is a list of things I can do!

  • Path Laying (Well, I can help you with it anyway!)
  • Gardening
  • Weed-Pulling
  • Home Decorating

Path Laying -I can find qr codes for you and even advise you on where to put your paths! Path Laying services are FREE!

Gardening -If you're feeling lazy, why not let me plant flowers, bushes and trees for you? Hybrids or normal flowers, I can plant any flower you want me too! Trees? Great! Bushes? No problem! Prices range from 5tbt to 50tbt, depending on how much you want me to do!

Weed-Pulling -You can guess what this is! If you need weeds pulling, I can do it. Weed-Pulling services are just 3tbt!

Home Decorating -Home Decorating services! I can do as many rooms as you'd like, from 1 to all of them! Just provide me with the furniture and I'll work out where to place it all for you! However, if you do want specific items in specific places, that's fine. Prices vary depending on how many rooms you want decorating.

FEEL FREE TO FOLLOW ME AROUND AS I WORK! I understand some people may be worried that I'll take something! I will also NEVER RUN UNLESS YOU SAY I CAN!

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