Thank you everyone that helped me on my last thread because I was only able to come up with Flora haha. For this one can I get some help with desert ish villagers? I do have Soleil, Ankha,Paula,Clay,Hamlet, and Cousteau. Thanks so much everyone!
In the Arizona deserts there are coyotes,bighorn sheep,javelina,mule deer,white-tailed deer,prairie dogs,jackrabbits,jaguars,horned toads and various other reptiles.
coyote-one of the plain colored wolves might work
javelina-they're a kind of wild pig/boar so maybe one of the pigs like Spork,Boris or Kevin
white-tailed deer-Deirdre or Fauna
jackrabbits-Claude and Bonbon have similar coloring to desert jackrabbits
honed toad-Wart Jr
bighorn sheep-these look like a cross between a goat and a sheep so any brownish goats or sheep like Pashmina,Billy or Curlos
Diva has a desert theme similar to Ankha. Both wear the Egyptian tunic dress and both have a crypt/tomb-like house interior (and similar exteriors). Sly also has a desert themed (light camouflage) character design. Lastly Huck has a very natural dried straw interior too if you want to look into him, though his character design is just a basic frog.
One more idea- Chester the panda does not really have a desert theme, but the exterior of his house looks awesome paired with the sand floor and goes great with desert themed furniture. I have him living near Ankha in my town's desert area, here is a pic!
I think a few of the deers or goats would be quite good to represent some of the animals found in a desert, in particular I think Beau, Lopez, Zell, Billy or Pashmina could be quite good choices. Also some of the tigers and lions could be quite good for the theme with Bangle, Leonardo, Bud and Rex looking like they could fit quite well in a desert.
Design wise I think Coco would really suit a desert themed island and any villager with a yellow or orange colour scheme could fit in; Alfonso, Annabelle, Twiggy, Eloise, Carrie, Bettina, Sandy and Caroline are few different types of villagers that could fit in with a desert like colour scheme (though not all the species are fully representative of a desert)
My Island is desert/ tropical themed but my villagers weren't really designed to be. However, I do have Diva and Bertha who both fit in quite well especially Diva. I had Frank for a while and he really fit the theme as well.