Destroying the first bridge...?


Senior Member
Jun 10, 2013
Throwback Tickets
Gold Super Mailbox
Hey I know you can destroy bridges after you build them, as with various other public works... but can you destroy the first bridge you get in the beginning? Thanks.
Cool. x.x I can't seem to find the option anywhere though. I tried looking on wiki but maybe I just missed it...? In fact I'm trying to cancel a project right now but I can't find the option in town hall. :x I feel stupid.
Cool. x.x I can't seem to find the option anywhere though. I tried looking on wiki but maybe I just missed it...? In fact I'm trying to cancel a project right now but I can't find the option in town hall. :x I feel stupid.
Sit in your chair at Town Hall and choose the Public Works Projects option. Isabelle will tell you that you have one going on and you can tell her to cancel donations from there. You can't demolish a project while you have another going on. Also, when you choose to demolish a project, you have to wait the next day for it to be removed and you can't build anything until it is demolished.
Sit in your chair at Town Hall and choose the Public Works Projects option. Isabelle will tell you that you have one going on and you can tell her to cancel donations from there. You can't demolish a project while you have another going on. Also, when you choose to demolish a project, you have to wait the next day for it to be removed and you can't build anything until it is demolished.

Ah thanks, I'm guessing I'll only be able to destroy the first bridge once I have the second... or else I'd have none. x.x
Ah thanks, I'm guessing I'll only be able to destroy the first bridge once I have the second... or else I'd have none. x.x
Yes, exactly this. You don't want to be stuck on one part of your town forever. :p
Thanks for asking this, I was curious myself :) I didn't want un-matching bridges.
If you destroy your starting bridge, building anymore bridges after that will count towards your public works limit.

The bridge you start off with doesn't count towards that, so you're losing out on public works slot if you destroy it and make a new one somewhere else.
If you destroy your starting bridge, building anymore bridges after that will count towards your public works limit.

The bridge you start off with doesn't count towards that, so you're losing out on public works slot if you destroy it and make a new one somewhere else.

Edited because I got what you mean now.

Since 30 is the limit... Does stuff like Train Station remodel and Town hall remodel count in that? Does the second floor of the Museum count too?
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Edited because I got what you mean now.

Since 30 is the limit... Does stuff like Train Station remodel and Town hall remodel count in that? Does the second floor of the Museum count too?

No, also permanent buildings do not count toward the 30 limit, Isabelle will warn you if a Public Work is permanent.
The Campsite, Cafe & Police Station are examples of permanent Public Works.
No, also permanent buildings do not count toward the 30 limit, Isabelle will warn you if a Public Work is permanent.
The Campsite, Cafe & Police Station are examples of permanent Public Works.

YES! Ok... then I should be fine unless I start building too many benches.
I bet you can't destroy your bridge until you make a second bridge. For my town, a lot of the stuff - my house, dock, a lot of the villagers' houses are on the opposing side of the bridge. How would I be able to get over there without any bridge at all? Anyway, I'm thinking of knocking down my first bridge (and then after my second cobblestone bridge), I just want a new looking bridge. One of my villagers requested a brick bridge. Not sure if I dig that one so much.
I bet you can't destroy your bridge until you make a second bridge. For my town, a lot of the stuff - my house, dock, a lot of the villagers' houses are on the opposing side of the bridge. How would I be able to get over there without any bridge at all? Anyway, I'm thinking of knocking down my first bridge (and then after my second cobblestone bridge), I just want a new looking bridge. One of my villagers requested a brick bridge. Not sure if I dig that one so much.

Yeah I bet you need another bridge first. :x

But yeah... destroying the first bridge also might be better for me since I think I want both my bridges (plan to have 2, don't really need 3 in my town) to be fairytail themed. ^^