Did anyone try to keep the magic bag from Jingle? Did it work?


💖 Bingpot! 🌈
Jan 27, 2014
Happy Hugs
So I'm finally playing the Toy Day event because I've been too busy before now to play it. I'm thinking about trying to keep the magic bag with one of my alt characters. Did anyone try this? Did it work? Or did the bag disappear on Dec 25?
Lol 😄 Thanks for taking one for the team. I'll not keep it then. And Merry Christmas!
it's probably for the best, hopefully nintendo will let us keep it next year aha ☆
merry christmas to u too and have a happy new year ^-^
I was going to try it, but changed my mind.

Glad I didn't keep it. ^_^

You should be able to throw it away, just TT a day. :)
I was also tempted to try it yesterday and after hearing that it glitched, I’m glad I let Jingle just take it away. 😂
This makes me sad as you could keep it if you didn't bother with actually doing toy day stuff in New Leaf. I kept it to make a true santa character and also for a burglar outfit lol
I was forced to give it back but I wish we couldve kept it, I loved seeing my player walk around while carrying it 😆