I generally ignore them within the 14- or 15-day window, but for whatever reason I spoke to Beau, and that's what he said. Glad he didn't ask me to buy the duplicate pair of heart shades he bought recently.Mine has been asking frequently and I have been getting alot of bubbles.
i've had a lot of villager with thought bubbles lately and i mean multiple every day. and i didnt keep count of the days but it did seem like it was less than the 15 days. it does seem weird to me. i dont mind that except there's no way to know whos asking to leave and who just wants you to buy their instant muscles suit without talking to them. ive just gotten where i dont talk to any of them unless its someone i want to leave.
I carry a garbage can with me and I swear I get asked about 3 times a day if I'll sell them it
Was the 14 day thing ever confirmed? I think it might be more of a 7-10 day thing for me. I feel like I'm always telling Bob he can NOT leave me hah.
ive been getting tons of thought bubbles but no one really asks to move ? its just them asking for catchphrases or giving me stuff
Is there a way to check a villagers friendship level?