Did the mechanics change on villagers asking to leave?


Senior Member
Mar 9, 2013
Father's Day Carnation
Tricolored Puppy Plush
Tin Robot
Matryoshka Doll
Black Famous Mushroom
The Bell Tree Fair 2020 Patch
Mom's Plush
July Birthstone (Ruby)
Chocolate Cake
Judy asked to leave on 2/14, and was adopted out on 2/15 (she missed Festivale :(). Fast forward 8 days, and Beau just asked to leave. I don't TT or anything else for that matter, so what gives?
Mine has been asking frequently and I have been getting alot of bubbles.
I generally ignore them within the 14- or 15-day window, but for whatever reason I spoke to Beau, and that's what he said. Glad he didn't ask me to buy the duplicate pair of heart shades he bought recently.
i don’t know, but i found that more villagers (at least on my island) wanted to leave much more often during the first week of it’s release, and continued on for a few months until it seemingly got lesser and lesser as time went on.
I don’t have any specific information. In January I had a villager move out and the cooling off period was the expected 14 days. I just recently let another villager leave, then time traveled to get more festivale items, so it will be interesting to see if another asks to move in the next couple days. I am trying to move out some villagers so that I can experience new ones, so it would be convenient, but I know it would be very inconvenient for those who have their lineups set.

I wonder if the event/ update interfered?

sorry this is not actually helpful, just speculation but thanks for bringing up a potentially interesting issue
i've had a lot of villager with thought bubbles lately and i mean multiple every day. and i didnt keep count of the days but it did seem like it was less than the 15 days. it does seem weird to me. i dont mind that except there's no way to know whos asking to leave and who just wants you to buy their instant muscles suit without talking to them. ive just gotten where i dont talk to any of them unless its someone i want to leave.
I haven't had anybody ask to leave before the 15th day. Plenty of thought bubbles, but it's always other things. There have been a few times where I didn't have anybody ask on the 15th day as well, but given that it's a 65% chance, obviously it just so happened that it fell on the 35% chance that nobody wanted to leave that day.

But no, as far as I'm aware, it's the same as it's been. I just had somebody leave, giving me a vacant lot yesterday, so I'll pay attention and see if anybody asks before the 8th.
i've had a lot of villager with thought bubbles lately and i mean multiple every day. and i didnt keep count of the days but it did seem like it was less than the 15 days. it does seem weird to me. i dont mind that except there's no way to know whos asking to leave and who just wants you to buy their instant muscles suit without talking to them. ive just gotten where i dont talk to any of them unless its someone i want to leave.

I carry a garbage can with me and I swear I get asked about 3 times a day if I'll sell them it
I carry a garbage can with me and I swear I get asked about 3 times a day if I'll sell them it

there is nothing in the world the villagers want more than a garbage can. 😅 I am working on developing the habit of dropping it before I talk to whoever is thought bubbling/ running up to me. So that I can keep my garbage cans and get different requests
I always have someone who wants to move out every week. At least I think it is. Just yesterday it was Raymond, and last week it was Reneigh. Then Sterling before that.

It's frequent and close to one another that I can still remember.
You know - I have quite a few villagers on my island with low friendship levels. I have some with high - I’m pretty sure Lily I’d level 5. Not only that, but I scanned her in via amiibo. I seem to remember amiibo villagers not really wanting to move? Well, Lily asked to move today. I think I’ve had someone ask at least once every week.
ive been getting tons of thought bubbles but no one really asks to move ? its just them asking for catchphrases or giving me stuff
Was the 14 day thing ever confirmed? I think it might be more of a 7-10 day thing for me. I feel like I'm always telling Bob he can NOT leave me hah.
Was the 14 day thing ever confirmed? I think it might be more of a 7-10 day thing for me. I feel like I'm always telling Bob he can NOT leave me hah.

the cooling off period depends on whether you let them move or not. So if you say yes and they move, the cooling off period (as far as I know and have experienced) is 14 days. If you say no it is something like 5- 7 days (I usually reset the move out bubble rather than say no, so I am not as familiar with this timeline but it is at least a week shorter.)
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ive been getting tons of thought bubbles but no one really asks to move ? its just them asking for catchphrases or giving me stuff

most of the thought bubbles are this kind of stuff. Only one villager will have the move put thought bubble per day, as long as it is not during a cool off period. And I believe they don’t start asking to move at all until you have at least 8 villagers (not sure what part of the game you are at)
Dunno if this matters, but Amiibo move ins don't alter the pattern.

Say I wanted Phoebe out today via Amiibo....if in 2 or 3 days that 14 day window was up another villager would still ask to move out.

I can vouch for the whole 14 day window thing...one of my villagers will be thinking every other week.
I'm pretty sure if you talk to them and tell them not to leave, it'll cycle to another villager in 3-5 days.
Is there a way to check a villagers friendship level?

not an exact way, but you can get a rough idea of what level they are at by what kinds of interactions they do.

I did not make this, but I think it is accurate:

Remember its 15 days for a villager to move out and they must have a lower friendship to increase the chances of them thinking of moving out. As a former Time Traveler thats how I remember how this works, but any event that is happening or if KK is visiting on Saturdays they will not be thinking of moving out.
In my opinions its purely based on chance. Ive had the exact same thing happen to me too

But its never been based on friendship, because the villagers I have, I have photos of mostly, and they still ask to move. So don't worry about a villager wanting to leave for that reason

Its only the game randomly picking someone to give the bubble too. It'll disapear with in 15 minutes of seeing it. I know I was watching Wolfgang who had it, and it eventually went away
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