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Did you miss me? ;)


Resident Night Mare
Jun 11, 2013
Throwback Tickets
Deilf Isle
Baby Chick Easter Egg
Sweetheart Easter Egg
Strawberry Doll
Shadow Kitty Plush
Rosewater Potion
Blue Rosewater Potion
Rose Crystal
Lily of the Valley
Pavé Pink Feather
I'm back from my vacation, which was wonderful. I missed chatting with all of you, and I do plan to go back and at least catch up on reading your posts from when I was gone.

Trying to put everything in here would be far too overwhelming (not to mention, my brain would probably short out from trying to remember all of it ;D), so here is the Readers' Digest version.

Both Erin and Emerald celebrated their birthdays on May 16th. When Erin stepped out of her house in Salem, Bonbon was waiting to talk to her. We dashed over to Bonbon's for a party with Hazel and Peggy. Interesting choice, but hey, there was cake. Bonbon presented the Happy Birthday sign, told me to make a wish, and blow out the candles. I don't know if the wishes you make actually come true or not, but I wished that Peggy would ask to move. I know, she was right there. But I really need to get my third bridge built! Bonbon asked what I had wished for, saying that she could see about telling the other villagers so they could try to make it come true. When I told her, she thought it was a wonderful thing to wish for. Yikes! Anyway, I hung out for a little while, then left to finish other things around town.

It was also the fishing tournament, so villagers wished me a happy birthday, then went back to trying to catch a fish.

A similar scene played out in Hollowyn for Emerald. Pekoe hosted the party with Purrl and Eugene. The present was a cake. When it was time to make a wish, I totally flaked. I should have wished for a log bench, but instead I asked for a modern wood floor. *headdesk* Oh, well. Maybe one of the other characters will get a chance to wish for it.

I didn't enter the fishing tournament in either town. Midge won in Salem, while Lolly took the gold in Hollowyn.

Pekoe celebrated her birthday on the 18th, Peggy on the 23rd, Purrl's is coming up on the 29th, and Keaton's will be on June 1st. After that, I think things are quiet until Dizzy's in July.

I finally got Erin's house together for a Toy Shop theme, so I talked to Creepy Lyle and started working on points. So far, I'm just under 1MIL. I have the golden roof, exterior, door, and fence. Next is to try and get the mailbox (I think), and then I'll quit and just put together the house I want.

It took a few days, but Peggy has moved out (she left yesterday). I've remade the other two bridges in the fairy tale style, and set Lloyd up for the third. I'm going to look for a Lazy to be my 10th, so it might take some time. I'm not looking for any one in particular, so we'll see who comes to stay in the campsite.

Speaking of which, I've finished planting cedar trees at both campsites. I really love the way they look. I laid out markers for where I want my forests and bushes planted. Hollowyn is almost done with bushes, but I still need to work on Salem. That will take a bit, because once I get my 10th villager, I will still need to create my secondary characters and place their houses. I do know that the area in the top left corner (about the same size as my secret forest area in Hollowyn) will be the Enchanted Forest spot. I'll plant a perfect cherry and let it die, to emulate the hollow tree for the Elder, surrounded by cedar trees and a stump for sitting.

Hollowyn reached Perfect Town status, so I'm waiting until I get the golden watering can for that. To be honest, I like the silver one better, but I won't pass up free tools.

Emerald's house is fully expanded - just have to finish paying off the last loan - and then I'll get Creepy Lyle to start scoring for the theme challenge (rustic). Can you complete it without putting the golden exterior parts on your house? It took so long to get the ones I want, I'd hate to lose them and have to start over again.

Sapphire has an upstairs, so I'm starting to create the "lobby" area of her craft store. Flint and Jett are almost ready to start working on an upstairs, too. And Sapphire and Flint have two mannequins each, so just the one from Labelle to go (until I finally get the last NB upgrade, that is); Jett is working on getting his from Sable and Mabel.

Other than that, there isn't too much to report. Things go from day to day. A few more paintings and statues have been claimed for the Museums, the fossil exhibit is complete in Hollowyn, and I'm still trying to get a special stump for my seat under the flower arch.
Hello! I'm glad your vacation was nice, but it's so nice to see you back again!

Haha, Keaton's birthday is the day before my birthday!
YAY I MISSED YOU A LOT IMBRI. And happy belated birthday to you!
Looks like it's your turn to have the birthday marathon in your town. xD

Can't wait to see some pictures of your new developments. :D
Madison - Thank you! I missed chatting with everyone. :)

Steven - Thank you, it's nice to be back. Ooh, filing that away so I can send wishes at the appropriate time. ;)

Beth - Missed you, too! And thank you for the belated wishes. Yep, it's been a busy time between the two towns, making sure I didn't miss anyone's party, and hitting my own! So. Much. Shopping. lol

Meghan - Thank you for the wishes. The cats are doing very well. They were quite happy to have me home with them for an extended period of time. There was lots of Mama/fur-baby time. :D