Did you wish


Senior Member
Feb 3, 2009
Did you wish that neighbors would use their tools too? I guess yeah. because.. its not fair =/ Lol. =P i wish i could race with them or something =/
I do get tired of my neighbors telling me "I'm really into fossils right now, but I can't find that stego tail I really want!" I always want to yell at them "You have to actually USE the shovel to find fossils, you can't just carry it around and expect me to find all your fossils!"
Well if they are gonna be digging holes randomly around town and cutting down tree's then no.

If it's just fishing and bug catching yes!
if their gnna screw up my town or catch rare things then NO!
but if they just well.....i hope tey dont screw up my town.
i wish they kinda did...
like on the firshing tourneys! and there walking around NO where near any water! and there like.. im feeling it.. this is the spot so and so told me to look! and then they end up winning? that makes me mad. lol
fitzy said:
Well if they are gonna be digging holes randomly around town and cutting down tree's then no.

If it's just fishing and bug catching yes!
thats true
I would like for them to use their tools. I always see them carrying those things and never do much with them. It will be some nice competition if they did.
meh it dont matter to me..on one hand im glad they aint digging up my fossils but id prefer it if they watered my flowers