Digital copy and two Nintendo Switches Question


Peace & Harmony
Dec 24, 2020
Hello, I'm just looking for a updated answer on this topic. I only own a digital copy of ACNH and wonder if its possible to have a separate island on a second switch of choice with a digital copy, and are you able to have clould saves on each? Thanks
A digital code can only be used once per switch. Which would mean you’d need 2 for both switches. (I believe cartridges might be different. Since you could use them for both, as it would just save to the switch console and not the game card.) So aslong as you have 2 digital codes for both switches then, yes each switch would have separate islands.

As for the cloud save which is a Nintendo online feature, you would have to buy it twice. Which then would back both islands up separately. (Since each switch would require a separate Nintendo account)

So the answer is yes and yes.
There is a way to play the same digital copy on both switches but it was way too complicated for me to understand when I tried researching this for my 2 switches. I went with the easier option of buying a second copy of the game.
My S/O and I had this one digital copy and two consoles set-up for a while. We each had a Nintendo account and set the other person's console as the primary (i.e. his console is my primary console for my Nintendo account and vice versa). My S/O explained it to me once, but I honestly don't remember the mechanism. xD However, the one limitation of this method is that he was unable to create a second character on his island using my Nintendo account, while I was able to create a second character on my island using his Nintendo account.

Now, we each have a digital copy of the game and can visit each other's islands with either our primary or secondary island representatives.

This link sort of explains it.

Edit: we were able to save our own respective islands to the cloud with our previous set-up.
Thanks all, looks like I'll just pick up an copy and have to make another account for the Switch. Its the only thing I'll be using my second switch for anyways. Luckily for X-Mas gift cards ;p