Disappearing/reappearing holly berries


🌜 from Lunasoleil 🌞
Jun 24, 2013
Blue Christmas Stocking
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Floral Train Car
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Lost Star Fragment 004.MB
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I planted holly bushes for winter cause they look really pretty in the snow. I tt'd to january to kick a villager so i could hold one for a friend, didn't end up being necessary as it turned out. anyway when i went back to the correct day i noticed the red berries on my holly bushes were gone(back to little green un ripe berries). At first i just assumed that they reached the end of their season but then i went to my friends island and hers were red. so i thought my time travelling caused it which bummed me out. today the red berries are back. weird. anyone had this happen to them? was it the tting?
My wife had that same thing happen a couple of weeks ago without TT. Woke up one morning and the berries had turned green, a couple of days later they were red again.
I had them turn green!

I normally love holly, but as with everything (for me), the snow makes it look ugly.
The red is too stark.

I kinda wish they had stayed green. :)
That is very strange! Were they newly planted holly bushes or ones that had been around for a while?
whoa! that's really cool. i didn't plant any holly bushes, so i've never seen this. neat though
I'm glad you made this thread.

I time traveled one day ahead, then back again. The berries were green. Next day they were red.

I time traveled again one day ahead, then back again, and this time there were no berries at all. The next day they were back, but were green. Next day they were red.

I figured it was because I time traveled. It was very odd seeing them with no berries at all. Just snow.
You time travelled past the time they no longer are in bloom (today) then went back to when they are still in season so they had to grow again, the first stage of holly bushes starting to bloom are the green berries, then the next day they're red.