dissapointed again...


Retired Staff
Oct 13, 2005
Pear (Fruit)
October Birthstone (Opal)
Yellow Candy
Dusty Scroll
Ancient Lantern
We were driving by McDonalds and Iwas ready to play wi-fi for the first time. I was almost connected and my mom wouldn't stop. I will possibly play later this week!
I really don't know why Nintendo picked McDonald's, other than a lot of people go to it. I don't go to McDonalds, as I don't really like their food. I prefer places such as Subway and Burger King.

Smart_Tech_Dragon_15 said:
I really don't know why Nintendo picked McDonald's, other than a lot of people go to it. I don't go to McDonalds, as I don't really like their food. I prefer places such as Subway and Burger King.

Because McDonalds is the biggest fast food resteraunt in the world. :yes:
Get a USB Connector or convince your parents to buy a Wireless Router.
Mino said:
Get a USB Connector or convince your parents to buy a Wireless Router.
I was gonna but the guy at Gamestop said it was too technical...
NookPTP said:
Mino said:
Get a USB Connector or convince your parents to buy a Wireless Router.
I was gonna but the guy at Gamestop said it was too technical...
>_< What did he mean by that? He said it was too difficult?
NookPTP said:
Mino said:
Get a USB Connector or convince your parents to buy a Wireless Router.
I was gonna but the guy at Gamestop said it was too technical...
>_< What did he mean by that? He said it was too difficult?
Heh, either that guy was stupid, or, you went to the wrong place.

First off, Wireless routers are easy to setup...sortof. Just buy one, and have a guy from the Geek Squad come out and help you hook it up. (Geek Squad is the thing at Best Buy that helps you get stuff like that set up. After all, it is AC:WW we're talking about here.) See? It's not that hard...If you have someone else do it for you...

:) Enjoy your new wireless router...If your parents decide to get one...
