DIY availability at Nook's Cranny


Senior Member
Jun 21, 2013
October Birthstone (Opal)
I have a question about the DIY you can get from Nook's cabinet. Mine have never changed. I always have 3 lessons (DIY for Beginners, Test Your DIY Skills and Wildest Dreams DIY) and the rest are the flimsy tools.
I thought this was how it was for everyone but then a friend said she had a Mini DIY Bench at her Nook's. I went to purchase it at her island and that wasn't an option for me. I had the same as I have on my own island.
Her Mini bench was in her cabinet for a 2nd character. So do the DIYs ever change or are they set for each character?
If I created a 2nd character would I have different DIYs available?
I only have 1 character on my island so can't say for certain but I believe the DIYs are the same for everyone (the 3 you've mentioned) - the Mini DIY Bench is part of the Test Your DIY Skills set I think so if you're looking to learn that DIY then purchasing that set should get you the right recipe. Someone with a 2nd character might be able to verify for you whether they get different DIYs for their alternative characters.
Like JemAC mentioned, I believe the three DIYs are the same for everyone. However, I do believe sometimes Nooks gets seasonal DIYs. I seem to remember that you could buy them from the cabinet on Turkey Day.