Bell Tree Forum's Resident Hybrid Addict
So, we all know Cooking is coming and I was rewatching the Direct for fun and I had a thought about DIY Cooking. I saw that we are able to purchase a DIY card from Nook's Cranny, which will teach you new recipes, which led me to this thought: what if we learn how to cook new things from our villagers and holiday events, just like regular DIYs?
Just imagine, you walk into your one villager's house and they're at the kitchen cooking something, and they teach you how to make grilled fish or something, or its Turkey Day and Franklin teaches you how to make an apple pie.
I dunno... this is probably me just setting expectations but I thought it was neat to think about. It'd just be pretty bland to learn every recipe upon purchase of the DIY Cooking "unlock" at the Nook Stop and then buying the rest for 4980 Bells at Nook's Cranny. Learning recipes from villagers and holiday NPCs would really liven the game up.
Just imagine, you walk into your one villager's house and they're at the kitchen cooking something, and they teach you how to make grilled fish or something, or its Turkey Day and Franklin teaches you how to make an apple pie.
I dunno... this is probably me just setting expectations but I thought it was neat to think about. It'd just be pretty bland to learn every recipe upon purchase of the DIY Cooking "unlock" at the Nook Stop and then buying the rest for 4980 Bells at Nook's Cranny. Learning recipes from villagers and holiday NPCs would really liven the game up.